Bedfordshire Police Headquarters

Bridgebury House, Woburn Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire, MK43 9AX

Email the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Office of the Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner

Freedom of Information Log - April 2023 - March 2024

Please find below all Freedom of Information Act 2000 requests received by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire and the related responses. We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

Received: 06/04/2023

Response sent: 12/04/2023


Please can you advise me as to how many people have been prosecuted in Bedfordshire for e-scooter offences.

I would like a breakdown of the offences committed and the number charges for each offence.


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office. Please request this from Bedfordshire Police Force directly at or via their website at:

Received: 11/04/2023

Response sent: 12/04/2023


To help us all understand why this is allowed to happen would you please provide, under the freedom of information act:

How many HGV vehicles have been stopped and issued with appropriate fines or GV9 restrictions  since the road was reclassified to a B rated road that is restricted to 7.5 tonnes max

Have the local ‘bin men’ been instructed to stop leaving empty bins on the pavements by moving them onto the road or returning them to the rear of the properties to maintain a save walking space.  How many tickets were issued please.

Why emergency vehicles use the B rated road through a village with concealed exit points that cannot be safely used unless the vehicle bonnet exceeds the pavement width.  What level of driving skill does it need to understand that the residents have their safety to consider before speeding ‘blue light’ drivers use the road as a race track. 

In the past I have been lectured by officers who were a pains to explain that the gain in time is lost if:

An accident happens:

The T junction in Woburn is very rarely clear for an instant access:

The time saved over less than a mile is less than 15seconds.  Although some police vehicles seem to exceed 70 miles per hour through the village and are often in little gangs of two or three that may indicate a training exercise that needs to be saved for uninhabited A roads where possible or done on private grounds.

What rating are the footpaths mentioned above according to Council Records. 

Please provide copies of these records.

When was the last concerted effort to police these paths over the weekends or school time?

When were the last tickets given to cyclists and e scooter riders ignoring the law in this area.


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office.

Please request information concerning issuing of fines from Bedfordshire Police Force directly at or via their website at:

Alternatively, for information concerning parking fines and issues concerning pavements and roads in your local area, you must request this from your local council directly. If you are a resident of Bedford Borough, they can be contacted at:

If you would like to make a complaint about Bedfordshire Police, please contact the Customer Support Team at

Received: 21/04/2023

Response sent: 24/04/2023


It used to be the case, and I seek your advice as to whether it remains so today that officers from Beds Police are given paid time off to represent Beds Police in certain sporting events.

Whilst this may have been seen as acceptable many years ago, in ‘times of plenty’, I do not believe the same applies in todays climate.

Who would benefit from such a practice, only the egos of those involved.

Therefore under ‘Freedom of Information’, if Beds Police still support and fund these activities, I request the following:

How many officers or civilian support staff are given this support?

How much is this support actually costing Beds Police in what would appear ‘non productive police activities’

Do Beds Police pay or contribute to the costs of accommodation when officers / staff attend these activities, and if so, what is that cost.

It seems to me and many like-minded tax payers that these matters should be in the public domain for information and scrutiny by the general public, who actually believe Beds Police should devote all of its time and resource to serving the public in a more visible and proactive manner.


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office. Please request this from Bedfordshire Police Force directly at or via their website at:

Received: 24/04/2023

Response sent: 27/04/2023


please could you send me the information as requested in the file attached please when possible – FOI on key people in the council.


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office. Please request this from Bedfordshire Police Force directly at or via their website at:

Received: 17/04/2023

Response sent: 27/04/2023


I would like you to supply me with information relating to the salary paid to former Chief Constable Jon Boutcher during the below years.

Under the FOIA I would like information relating to CC Boutcher’s salary / police pay aware for years;

2016 to 2017

2017 to 2018

2018 to 2019 (and up until he retired)

Chief Constable Boutcher – while in his public facing role – was paid from the public purse.  Mr Boutcher should expect information about his salary to be made public. 

Bedfordshire Police have a responsibility to be accountable, open and transparent with the public / the taxpayer who fund Bedfordshire Police, the police services in the UK (as well as their officers /  Chief Officers).  I have also copied the Bedfordshire OPCC into this email in the event that they hold the above requested information. If not, the OPCC can ignore this request.


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office. I can see that you have sent this request directly to Bedfordshire Police Freedom of Information Dept, who are the appropriate department to respond to your request.

Received: 18/04/2023

Response sent: 19/04/2023


I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request information regarding temporary labour usage in your organisation, including contractors, temporary workers, and freelancers.

Please can you provide me with the following information for the most recent complete fiscal year:

  • Total number of temporary workers engaged by your organization, broken down by department or function, if possible.
  • Total annual expenditure on temporary workers, including a breakdown of costs by department or function, if possible.
  • Total number of agency suppliers (Preferred Suppliers/non-Preferred Suppliers) in your organisation’s labour supply chain

Details of any existing Managed Service Programme or Provider (MSP) and/or Vendor Management System (VMS) used to manage temporary workers:

  • Name of the MSP and VMS.
  • Date the contract was awarded.
  • Date of contract expiration.
  • Name of the government procurement framework through which the MSP and VMS were procured.

Details of any upcoming retendering or renewal processes related to your MSP and VMS contracts:

  • Anticipated date for the retendering or renewal process to commence.
  • Name and contact information of the person responsible for overseeing the retendering or renewal process.


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire.

Please can you advise if your request is for information from Bedfordshire Police Force (as I can see in the subject it states police force), or whether you are requesting this information specifically from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner?

Received: 25/04/2023

Response sent: 25/05/2023


This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Please could you provide the following data:
Average waiting time for victims of sexual abuse or violence who have requested support services commissioned by your PCC between the years below. Please categorise the data by the types of sexual violence and abuse support services your PCC commissions (e.g. counselling).
Feb 14 2020-Feb 14 2021
Feb 14 2021-Feb 14 2022
Feb 14 2022-Feb 14 2023

Average waiting time for victims of domestic abuse and violence who have requested support services commissioned by your PCC between the years below (where they are commissioned by your PCC). Please categorise the data by the types of domestic abuse and violence support services your PCC commissions (e.g. counselling).
Feb 14 2020-Feb 14 2021
Feb 14 2021-Feb 14 2022
Feb 14 2022-Feb 14 2023

If this support is commissioned by your local authority, please provide a list of relevant local authorities who would have this information.

Please could you also provide a list of charities or organisations that you commission to carry out these services, or direct me as to where I could find one.

I would like to receive the information in an electronic excel spreadsheet.


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, the Commissioning Team have collated the information requested in the attached Excel Spreadsheet.

The list of organisations and services commissioned by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire can be found on our website under ‘Funded Organisations Logs’.

We hope this information proves useful. Please come back to us if you require further assistance on this matter.

** Please email our office if you would like to receive a copy of the Excel Log **

Received: 04/05/2023

Response sent: 05/05/2023


Please detail the procedure adopted where a conflict of interest affects the police complaints process.


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office. Please request this from Bedfordshire Police Force directly at or via their website at:

Received: 21/04/2023

Response sent: 05/05/2023


In addition to this I wanted to ask if you both if you have Bedfordshire’s latest Hate crime statistics and if you could possibly send us a copy.


With regards to the Bedfordshire latest hate crime statistics, this information isn’t held by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire. Please request this from Bedfordshire Police Force directly at or via their website at:

Received: 11/05/2023

Response sent: 16/05/2023


Can you provide the annual data (from 2015 to 2022) for each of the following hate crime strands disaggregated by sex of the a) victim, and b) perpetrators:

Race hate crime (broken down by ethnicity) Religion hate crime (against Muslims)


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office. Please request this from Bedfordshire Police Force directly at or via their website at:

Received: 01/06/2023

Response sent: 05/06/2023


Can I please request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act – in relation to the police force you have oversight of:
1. a) How many police officers in your force were convicted of a serious sexual offence between 1st January 2013 & 30th April 2023, broken down by year?

b) How many of these officers subsequently had their pension withdrawn, broken down by year? If only part of the pension was withdrawn please state what percentage.

2. a) How many police officers in your force were convicted of manslaughter between 1st January 2013 & 30th April 2023, broken down by year?

b) How many of these officers subsequently had their pension withdrawn, broken down by year? If only part of the pension was withdrawn please state what percentage.

3. a) How many police officers in your force were convicted of murder between 1st January 2013 & 30th April 2023, broken down by year?

b) How many of these officers subsequently had their pension withdrawn, broken down by year? If only part of the pension was withdrawn please state what percentage.

4. What is the approximate annual cost of the pensions granted to those police officers convicted of serious sexual assault, manslaughter or murder between 2013 & 2023, still in receipt of their pension?


Thank you for the below email.

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has been notified that Bedfordshire Police have received the same request, therefore they will provide a response in due course.

Received: 05/06/2023

Response sent: Clarification not received from requestor


This is an information request relating to Pride Month.
Please include the following information:
• Whether any events have been organised for Pride month. If so please provide the date, start and end time, and title/topic of the event
• Whether any LGBT themed merchandise has been purchased for Pride month. i.e. since the beginning of the 2023/24 financial year. If so please provide me with information on what has been purchased and the cost
• Whether the organisation has sponsored any Pride events. If so which events and please provide details of the nature of the sponsorship (particularly the financial value)
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.
If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact me via email or phone and I will be very happy to clarify what I am asking for.

I would prefer a response via email, but if this is not possible, I will gladly accept letters to the address below.

Please acknowledge this information request as soon as possible.


Thank you for the below email.

Please could you clarify whether you are requesting for information relating to pride month from Bedfordshire Police, or the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner?

Received: 12/06/2023

Response sent: 19/06/2023


Please could you provide me with the following information, in Excel or similar spreadsheet form if possible:

The total cost of running your office (including staff salaries) for the 2022/2023 financial year. 


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, the total cost of running the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire (including staff salaries) for the 2022/2023 financial year is £1,210,233.

We hope this information proves useful. Please come back to us if you require further assistance on this matter.

Received: 09/06/2023

Response sent: 15/06/2023


Does your force conduct risk assessment or carry out profiling (as under the meaning of profiling in the Data Protection Act 2018) of individuals for general offending or re-offending, or for certain forms of crime or criminal behaviour (for example, ‘gang’ crime, ‘county lines’, violence, knife crime, re-offending, or child criminal or sexual exploitation)? YES/NO

a. The types and/or names of each profiling or risk assessment model or software;
b. If known and easily retrievable, the date each profiling or risk assessment model started being used;
c. The purpose of each profiling or risk assessment model;
d. What types of data are used to conduct the profiling or risk assessment model;
e. What are the potential outcomes following the profiling or risk assessment model output (e.g targeted interventions)
4. Does your force hold specific lists or databases of people allegedly involved in specific forms of crime or criminal behaviour, such as ‘gang’ crime, ‘county lines’, knife crime, violent crime, child criminal exploitation, or conduct any profiling or risk assessment in relation to those lists or databases? YES/NO
If yes, please provide:
a. The names of the database(s) or list(s);
b. If known and easily retrievable, the date each database or list was first created;
c. The criteria for inclusion on the database(s) or list(s);
d. If available in an easily retrievable format, the type of data that is used to assess the criteria for inclusion on the database(s) or list(s);
e. If available in an easily retrievable format, how many people are on the database(s) or list(s).


Internal request – The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire does not hold this information.

Received: 12/06/2023

Response sent: 21/06/2023


Please could you provide me with the following information, in Excel or similar spreadsheet form if possible:

1. How many staff members, in FTE, are currently working in the PCC’s office?

2. Of those staff members who work in the PCC’s office, how many are responsible for either media, communications or social media?

3. Of those staff members who work in the PCC’s office, how many are responsible for administrative support for the PCC?


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, this information is available on our website at Meet The Team – Bedfordshire PCC.

We hope this information proves useful. Please come back to us if you require further assistance on this matter.

Received: 14/06/2023

Response sent: 15/06/2023


1. Who provides your digital evidence management (DEMS) system?

2. What date does this contract end and are there any extension periods to this date as part of the contract?

3. What is the net spend on your current DEMS contract?

4. What procurement route do you intend to use when going to market for a new solution?

5. Who is the main contact in charge of your DEMS contract and the current solution?


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office. Please request this from Bedfordshire Police Force directly at or via their website at:

Received: 15/06/2023

Response sent: 29/06/2023


1. A copy of your organisation’s Records of Processing Activity (ROPA) as defined in Article 30 of the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR).

2. A copy of all legitimate interest assessments conducted by your organisation where you rely on Article 6(1)(f) legitimate interests as your lawful basis for processing.

3. A copy of all privacy impact assessments conducted by your organisation.

4. A copy of all data protection impact assessments conducted by your organisation.

5. A copy of all international transfer risk assessments conducted by your organisation.

6. A recent copy of your organisation’s data protection compliance assessment using the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)’s accountability framework template. If you are using your own standards to monitor compliance with the Data Protection 2018, please provide me with copy of it.

7. A copy of your organization’s data protection policy.

8. A copy of your organization’s subject access request policy, procedures, and processes, including any guidance material such as folder structure, naming conventions, and redaction guides.

9. A copy of your organisation’s privacy notices, including but not limited to employees, customers, ministers, special advisors (SPADs), complaints, NEDS, visitors, and CCTV.

10. A copy of your organisation’s due diligence questions for vendor management such as independent data controllers or processors.


Requested further clarification – confirmation received from requestor that this is a request for Bedfordshire Police.

Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office. Please request this from Bedfordshire Police Force directly at or via their website at:

Received: 19/06/2023

Response sent: 23/06/2023


I would like to request the following information under the FOIA:

Copies of statutory agreements (as well as any other agreements) which police and Crime Commissioner of Bedfordshire / OPCC Beds have entered into with and or agreed to with the police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI) in regards to complaints made by victims, members of the public against Operation Kenova, Jon Boutcher, his staff and also how those complaints are to be dealt with, any criteria which needs to be met when assessing such complaints and also how those are to be investigated etc. This request is for copies of such agreements, that would include the initial agreement which would have been agreed in 2016/17 and at the time Op Kenova was set up.


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office. Please request this from Bedfordshire Police Force directly at or via their website at:

Received: 01/07/2023

Response sent: 07/07/2023


Please provide the following information.

1. The total number of police officers actively serving in Bedfordshire for each year from April 2009 until April 2023. (A total of 13 complete years)

2. The per capita number of police officers serving every year for the same period. (which means how many police officers for each resident in the area covered by the Bedfordshire police force.)


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office. Please request this from Bedfordshire Police Force directly at or via their website at:

Received: 11/07/2023

Response sent: 12/07/2023


The Police Ombudsman of Northern Ireland (PONI) have stated that; 

Through a statutory agreement with the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, the Police Ombudsman may investigate specified matters arising from law enforcement activities of certain members of Operation Kenova while in Northern Ireland.

Under the FOIA I would like Beds OPCC / PCC to disclose; following information;

1,     copies of  statutory agreement  as well as any other agreement/s which Beds PCC / OPCC and PONI have agreed, entered into … with PONI concerning complaints, investigating specified matters arising from law enforcement activities of certain members of Operation Kenova while in Northern Ireland.

2,     copies of  statutory agreement  as well as any other agreement/s which Beds PCC / OPCC and Operation Kenova have agreed, entered into concerning concerning complaints, the investigating of complaints by members of the public relating to Operation Kenova, its staff … and those arising from Op Kenova, its staff law enforcement activities.

3,      copies of  statutory agreement  as well as any other agreement/s which Beds PCC / OPCC and IPCC / IOPC  have agreed, entered into … concerning complaints, the investigating of complaints by members of the public relating to Operation Kenova, its staff … and those arising from Op Kenova, its staff law enforcement activities.

4,     copies of  statutory agreement  as well as any other agreement/s which Beds PCC / OPCC and Beds Police / its PSD  have agreed, entered into … concerning complaints, the investigating of complaints by members of the public relating to Operation Kenova, its staff … and those arising from Op Kenova, its staff law enforcement activities.

I would like the information to be disclosed to me by email and in PDF format.


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however as previously stated, this information isn’t held by our office.

Please request this information from Bedfordshire Police Force directly at or via their website at:

Received: 04/07/2023

Response sent: 14/07/2023


I was just wondering whether each of you wouldn’t mind sharing with me the following:

– Your area/policing area

– What organisation you have commissioned for your ISVA service and;

–          How many ISVAs your current service provider has (both full time and part time, Adult/Child ISVAs)


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor.  Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.
With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question,

–          Your area/policing area: Bedfordshire inclusive of Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Luton.

–          What organisation you have commissioned for your ISVA service: Early Childhood Partnership (ECP)

–          How many ISVAs your current service provider has (both full time and part time, Adult/Child ISVAs): 5 Core Funded ISVAs, 1 additional funding ISVA.

We hope this information proves useful. Please come back to us if you require further assistance on this matter.

Received: 21/07/2023

Response sent: 24/07/2023


Moggerhanger Parish Council would like to request, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, details of how much income has been generated in fines from our speed camera in Moggerhanger. I look forward to your response within the required 21 days. Many thanks.


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office. Please request this from Bedfordshire Police Force directly at or via their website at:

Received: 14/07/2023

Response sent: 25/07/2023


I wanted to ask for data, between 2019 and 2022/23 for
1. If the accounts were published in those years
2. Number of people who inspected the accounts in the time periods each year.
3. Number of requests/questions asked, and what they were/what areas they covered.
4. Number of objections raised, and what they were.
5. Any FOI requests relating to the accounts or finances (with the phrase ‘accounts’ of ‘inspection or statement of accounts’)
6. Any changes made to the accounts as a result.


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question.

Responses to questions re data between 2019 and 2022/23 for:

1. If the accounts were published in those years

Yes, see our web page Annual Accounts – Bedfordshire PCC – 2022/23 and 2021/22 are still draft subject to audit.

2. Number of people who inspected the accounts in the time periods each year.


3. Number of requests/questions asked, and what they were/what areas they covered.


4. Number of objections raised, and what they were.


5. Any FOI requests relating to the accounts or finances (with the phrase ‘accounts’ of ‘inspection or statement of accounts’)

All FOI requests and responses for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire can be found on our web page under the heading Freedom of Information Disclosure Logs:

6. Any changes made to the accounts as a result.

None as a result of public inspection – the changes made are shown in the adjusted audit differences section of the audit report.

We hope this information proves useful. Please come back to us if you require further assistance on this matter.

Received: 25/07/2023

Response sent: 10/08/2023


Please provide the following information for your Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme for the 2022/2023 Financial Year
1. The Name/Title/Scope of the commissioned programme in your area
2. The total number of males who self-referred into the programme
3. The total number of self-referred males who were accepted onto the programme
4. The total number of self-referred males who have completed the programme
5. The total number of males referred by an agency (e.g., police, social service etc.) into the programme
6. The total number of referred males who were accepted on to the programme
7. The total number of referred males who have completed the programme
8. The names of the organisations who have made a referral to the programme

Link to evaluation of programme efficacy:
9. Financial Contributors:
(Inclusive of Statutory, Non-Statutory Organisations and individual voluntary donations)
10. Budget inclusive of Running Costs


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, please see answers in bold below.
1. The Name/Title/Scope of the commissioned programme in your area – FACES, Caring Dads Programme. The programme provided a 17-week group programme for between 8-10 males/fathers who have displayed unhealthy behaviours.

2. The total number of males who self-referred into the programme – 0

3. The total number of self-referred males who were accepted onto the programme – 0

4. The total number of self-referred males who have completed the programme – 0

5. The total number of males referred by an agency (e.g., police, social service etc.) into the programme – 13

6. The total number of referred males who were accepted on to the programme – 12, 1 male disengaged from the course.

7. The total number of referred males who have completed the programme – 12

8. The names of the organisations who have made a referral to the programme – Social Services across Bedfordshire.

Link to evaluation of programme efficacy:

9. Financial Contributors:
(Inclusive of Statutory, Non-Statutory Organisations and individual voluntary donations) – We do not hold this information. Please request for information around financial contributors inclusive of statutory, non-statutory organisations and individual voluntary donations from FACES directly at:

10. Budget inclusive of Running Costs – Funded £39,344 towards salaries, training, and project costs.

Further information around commissioned services can be found on our website: We hope this information proves useful. Please come back to us if you require further assistance on this matter.

Received: 25/07/2023

Response sent: 25/07/2023


What is the number of reported ‘drink spiking’ incidents in Peterborough centre in September 2022 and October 2022?


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office.

I can see that your attached letter is addressed to Bedfordshire Police however as the information you are requesting is for Peterborough, I would suggest contacting Cambridgeshire Constabulary Freedom of Information Department at or via their website at: Make an FOI request to ask for information about the police | Cambridgeshire Constabulary ( to request for this information.

If you would like to contact Bedfordshire Police to make a request for information, they can be contacted at

Received: 27/07/2023

Response sent: 28/07/2023


Freedom of information data requests

Cabinet Office unprofessional response stating my daughters name isn’t a real name


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office. Please request this from Bedfordshire Police Force directly at or via their website at:

If you would like to submit a Freedom of Information request to the Cabinet Office, you can email them at or write to them at Cabinet Office Room G39, 1 Horse Guards Road, London, SW1A 2HQ, United Kingdom. Further information about Freedom of Information and Subject Access Requests to the Cabinet Office can be found on their website:

Received: 03/08/2023

Response sent: 04/08/2023


This is a submission of an FOI request concerning the allocation of funding for victim support services in your local area.

In particular, we are interested in seeing a break down in funding grants for local victim services, for both multi-crime services and specialist domestic abuse services, with the names of individual grantees included. Funding allocations made within the last 12 months will suffice.


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, this information can be found on our website at: under the 2022-23 and 2023-24 ‘funded organisations logs’ section of the web page.

We hope this information proves useful. Please come back to us if you require further assistance on this matter.

Received: 04/08/2023

Response sent: 07/08/2023


Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information:

A full list of your Senior Management Team
A full list of your IT Team
A list of staff involved in digital or transformation.

Please include Name, Job Title and Email Address.

I would like you to provide this information in PDF or XLS format.


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, please see below.

A full list of your Senior Management Team – Our Senior Management Team consists of Chief Executive Officer Anna Villette, Director of Operations Wayne Humberstone, Head of Governance and Transparency Katie Beaumont and Head of Victim Services and Commissioning Simon Powell. Further information including their email addresses can be found on our website:

A full list of your IT Team – The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) do not have an internal IT team. Our office receives IT support from Bedfordshire Police. Please email Bedfordshire Police FOI department at to receive any further information around their IT team.

A list of staff involved in digital or transformation – Information on Project Managers who are involved in digital and transformation and are employed by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) for Bedfordshire can be found on our website:

Received: 04/08/2023

Response sent: 07/08/2023


Please tell me about the structure of your RJ service/provision (number of paid staff positions, volunteers, how long your service has been set up). Does your service sit within the OPCC, police or external partner?

How is your service funded? (e.g. MOJ victim’s fund?) If you are happy to, please share your allocated budget for 2023/24

Do any other partner agencies contribute to your service provision? (e.g probation, council)

On average how many RJ cases does a full-time practitioner/facilitator hold? Please distinguish between sensitive/complex cases and non-S&C if applicable

How is your service evaluated / what feedback do you request from RJ participants? If you are happy to share your feedback form, please attach to your reply

Any other info you’d like to add


Please tell me about the structure of your RJ service/provision (number of paid staff positions, volunteers, how long your service has been set up). Does your service sit within the OPCC, police or external partner?
1 full time RJ coordinator that sits within the PCC’s Office.
Service has officially been set up since October 2022.
How is your service funded? (e.g. MOJ victim’s fund?) If you are happy to, please share your allocated budget for 2023/24
Service is funded through the Community Safety Fund.
Do any other partner agencies contribute to your service provision? (e.g probation, council)
On average how many RJ cases does a full-time practitioner/facilitator hold? Please distinguish between sensitive/complex cases and non-S&C if applicable
Currently hold 7 cases all of which are S&C. There isn’t an average on how many cases the RJ Coordinator takes as it depends on how many cases the service receives.
How is your service evaluated / what feedback do you request from RJ participants? If you are happy to share your feedback form, please attach to your reply
The service is evaluated by participant feedback at the beginning and end of the process and compare the data.
Our service hasn’t yet been running for a year, but plans are to do an annual report once we hit that year mark.
Any other info you’d like to add

Received: 31/08/2023

Response sent: 07/09/2023


Having searched your website and the Bedfordshire Police website as directed, I have been unable to locate information on your expenditure for certain periods of time. Therefore, I would like to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act for all of your entity’s expenditure over £500 for the following period:
1. January 2016 to March 2018
Please can you provide the data in a machine readable format, such as a CSV.


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office. Please request this from Bedfordshire Police Force directly at or via their website at:

Received: 23/08/2023

Response sent: 20/09/2023


I’d like to request under the Freedom of Information Act (2000) that you please disclose to me the number of Non-Disclosure Agreements you have entered into with current or former members of staff since May 2021 through to present please.

I’d like this to specifically focus on NDAs or post-employment agreements relating to disputes involving the serving PCC during this period, or complaints that have been made against them, I’d like this to cover any potential instances of bullying, harassment, threatening behaviour, or any other related misconduct allegation or dispute. I’d also like to know what degree of these were upheld or not please. I do not need the names of those involved, and would only require details of the individual cases that would not make the person personally identifiable.

I’d also like to know, regarding your post-employment arrangements with departing employees, if there is a standard rule in place barring members from speaking out about instances of abuse, harassment, or bullying that would prevent them as standard from going public with the information they have, should such information exist.


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, we do not use Non-Disclosure Agreements, so there have been no such agreements signed since May 2021.

We do sometimes have claims brought in an employment tribunal context but as per ACAS guidance, any agreements would state that whistleblowing disclosures were not comprised by the agreement. You can find all Judgements in relation to Employment Tribunal proceedings online. Here is a link

As you can see there are no claims listed as having findings for bullying, harassment or threatening behaviour.

We have no standard rule in place barring members from speaking out about instances of abuse, harassment or bullying. Whistleblowing disclosures are not compromised when people leave the organisation. As a learning organisation we welcome feedback from departing employees by way of an exit interview which can capture any concerns. In the last year there have been no allegations of abuse, harassment, or bullying from employees departing in the standard way.

Received: 30/08/2023

Response sent: 27/09/2023


I’m writing to request, under the FoI Act, the following in spreadsheet format:

1. The number of Non-Disclosure Agreements or confidentiality clauses in settlement agreements, signed by current or former employers and contractors of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s office, by year over the past 10 years
2. The nature of these NDAs/confidentiality clauses and what they related to – i.e. the broad nature of the issues current/departing staff/contractors are unable to speak about (e.g. bullying, harassment and so on)
3. The financial value of any settlement agreements issued/signed by the PCC office over the past 10 years, by year.


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor.  Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner only keep records for 6 years. 

If the requested information is the personal data of someone other than the requester, the exemptions under section 40(2) of FOIA may be engaged.

In order to ensure that the individuals concerned are not identifiable (given the low number), we are not able to specify the exact years, under section 40(2) of FOIA.

However in the last six years, there have been three settlement agreements.

Again, given the low numbers and to ensure that the individuals are not identifiable, we cannot confirm the exact figures of the settlements reached however, the total sum before deduction for tax and national insurance is £112,468.

Received: 20/09/2023

Response sent: 29/09/2023


During June 2023, I championed the distribution and response to a survey conducted on behalf of Bedfordshire Police with residents from the Biggleswade East ward. This survey formally closed on 7th June 2023.

I would like to request visibility of the key insights and related data from this survey. Please advise when you are able to respond with this information.


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office. Please request this from Bedfordshire Police Force directly at or via their website at:

Received: 25/09/2023

Response sent: 26/09/2023


We are making this request under the Freedom of Information Act; can you please provide us with the Equality Impact Assessment conducted into Luton Borough Council’s decision to remove the fencing as required by Luton Borough Council’s Public Sector Equalities Duty as specified in the Equalities Act 2010.
We would also like to know how this decision fits with the Local Policing Policy, Environmental Policy, Policy on Race and Diversity Inclusion and Policy on Violence against Women and Girls.


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office. Please request this from Bedfordshire Police Force directly at or via their website at:

Received: 27/09/2023

Response sent: 02/10/2023


Specifically, we would be grateful to know what percentage of your emergency vehicles currently have a defibrillator onboard, by submitting a Freedom of Information request.


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office. Please request this from Bedfordshire Police Force directly at or via their website at:

Received: 26/09/2023

Response sent: 05/10/2023


BBC TV News this evening stated that illegal e scooters were still on the roads even though they were made illegal long ago. It made me wonder why you and other police forces around the country do not carry out the law and remove them from our streets and pavements. I am sure you must be aware of the unnecessary accidents the users cause on our pavements and roads so please inform me why you choose to ignore them.


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office. Please request this from Bedfordshire Police Force directly at or via their website at:

Received: 20/10/2023

Response sent: 20/11/2023


Festus Akinbusoye recently and unsuccessfuly campaigned to be MP for the Mid-Bedfordshire constituency. I am requesting any recorded information that shows whether he took either paid or unpaid leave while he was campaigning.


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, the Police and Crime Commissioner had 30 days pre-arranged annual leave during the campaign period. The campaign period ran from 15 June 2023 to 20 October 2023. In this time he continued to be in regular contact with the Chief Constable, Chief Executive and Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, and attended the ‘holding the Chief Constable to account meeting’ whilst on leave. Any campaign work was managed by his campaign team.

Received: 18/10/2023

Response sent: 31/10/2023


Settlement Agreements – relating to PCC/Aug/2023/75

How many of these were since 2021 and what was the value?


Thank you for your email. Again, given the low numbers and to ensure that the individuals are not identifiable, we cannot confirm the exact figures of the settlements reached however, the total sum before deduction for tax and national insurance is £112,468.

Received: 25/10/2023

Response sent: 22/11/2023


Please supply the following information, under the FOI Act.

What is the Police and Crime Commissioner currently doing to combat knife crime?
Please supply details of current initiatives.

What has been spent (£) on these initiatives?
Please supply figures for the past five years (calendar or financial) — from 2018 to the present.

If possible, please supply this information in spreadsheet format (excel).


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor.  Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.
With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, the Commissioning Function do not directly commission projects to combat knife crime as knife crime falls into the remit of the Violence and Exploitation Reduction Unit which is commissioned separately and there are no services commissioned that relate to knife crime.
The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) was awarded 6.3 million pounds worth of funding by the Home Office to combat drugs, violence, exploitation, and organised crime. The funding will directly support operations specifically set up to tackle criminal activity in Bedfordshire. 
The Force’s Boson and Costello teams have dedicated officers and staff leading the fight against gangs and organised crime, in recognition of the need to effectively tackle the significant threat posed by these issues in the county and the funding will be split between both operations. 
Boson leads the response to gangs and gun crime in the county, running Sparkler and Rowan patrols in hotspot areas for things like drug dealing and serious youth violence as well as running its own investigations whilst Operation Costello is Bedfordshire Police’s biggest ever operation to tackle serious and organised crime across the county. The Boson unit has taken 47 illegal firearms off the streets, arrested 833 people, and seen 183 offenders jailed for a total of 621 years.
You can read more about the funding here: 
The Violence and Exploitation Reduction Unit (VERU) within Bedfordshire was established in 2019, through government funding. The VERU are one of 22 specialist units across the UK and the only unit to place an emphasis on the link between violence and exploitation. The VERU work collaboratively with a network of different agencies and groups aiming to tackle the root causes of societal issues that affect young people, to prevent our young and vulnerable people from being pulled into criminality, violence, and exploitation. 
The team is made up of specialist professionals able to provide informed support and advice to help young people and families to better understand the risks and signs of exploitation and criminality, navigate challenging circumstances and make positive contributions to the wider community.
Each year since its inception, the VERU have been successful in receiving funding from the government to support this work. As a result, the VERU have been able to directly commission organisations, with a focus on local, grass roots organisations, to deliver projects aiming to support the community. Although these projects or organisations may have not been commissioned to solely focus on knife crime, they all aim to intervene early and prevent a range of violence and child exploitation concerns within our community, inclusive of knife crime, as per the aims of the VERU.
Below is a breakdown of the total amount spent from 2019, and a list of the organisations that have been commissioned to carry out this work within our community. 
Year £ Services commissioned. 
2019 – £694,813
2020 – £880,000
2021 – £880,000
2022 – £711,980

Received: 21/11/2023

Response sent: 22/11/2023


A) Do you have any policies regarding masturbation by serving police officers, whilst on duty or masturbarting to evidence whilst off-duty?

I have information that the police are routinely masturbating to people’s abuse videos recovered during investigations

B) I have also information that the police can recover abuse memories through Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) and Custom Operating Systems
(OSes) if enough points of lights or photons have been suicided into them. Please confirm or deny if this is the case.

C) I have also information from the destroyers dimension (transverse
waves) that they are remotely programming individuals using leafpad (double-sided A1/A2 touchscreen) technologies – harnessing the power of Satan (a dimension 90 degrees to reality) to remotely view an individual’s life.

D) I have also information that they are able to integrate shadows from others into serving police officers. Shadows appear to created from traumatic splits in the auric field of a personality or avatar. Please confirm or deny.

E) I have also information that police have cognizance of the fact that Water Companies have been polluting or adding Buckyballs, Carbon-60, other fullerenes or a variant thereof to the water supply.

F) Please confirm or deny that the police, nor any third party or civilian contractors use “gamma ray detectors” or “density detectors” in any part of their civilian infrastructure or during working hours.

G) Legality or illegality of gamma ray detectors or density detectors and their use in Police Stations and Mental Health Hospitals, or any other Medical Establishment in Patients Rooms or otherwise.


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office. Please request this from Bedfordshire Police Force directly at or via their website at: 

Received: 28/11/2023

Response sent: 28/11/2023


Under the freedom of information act I would like to know how many e scooters have been confiscated/destroyed in, say, the last twelve months.


Responded to by Force FOI team – Bedfordshire OPCC do not hold this information.

Received: 12/12/2023

Response sent: 08/01/2024


We are requesting information to understand how many Child Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (CHIDVAs) and Child Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (CHISVAs) you currently commission. For the purposes of this Freedom of Information request, CHIDVAs and CHISVAs are independent domestic and sexual violence advisers who specifically work with children (under 18s), and not with adults.

We are looking to find:
1. How many FTE Child Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (CHIDVAs) have you commissioned in the financial years 2023-2024; 2022-2023; 2021-2022?
2. How many FTE Child Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (CHISVAs) have you commissioned in the financial years 2023-2024; 2022-2023; 2021-2022?
3. How many FTE Child Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (CHIDVAs) and FTE Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (CHISVAs) have you co-commissioned with local authorities in the financial years 2023-2024; 2022-2023; 2021-2022?
4. How may FTE Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (IDVAs) have you commissioned in the financial years 2023-2024; 2022-2023; 2021-2022?
5. How many FTE Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVAs) have you commissioned in the financial years 2023-2024; 2022-2023; 2021-2022?
6. How many FTE Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (IDVAs) and FTE Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVAs) have you co-commissioned with local authorities in the financial years 2023-2024; 2022-2023; 2021-2022?


With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, please see answers below.

How many FTE Child Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (CHIDVAs) have you commissioned in the financial years 2023-2024; 2022-2023; 2021-2022?

In the Police and Crime Commissioners for Bedfordshire, CHIDVAs are known as KIDVAs – Kid Violence Advisors.

2023-2024 – 3

2022-2023 – 3

2021-2022 – 1

How many FTE Child Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (CHISVAs) have you commissioned in the financial years 2023-2024; 2022-2023; 2021-2022?

2023-2024 – 0

2022-2023 – 0

2021-2022 – 0

How many FTE Child Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (CHIDVAs) and FTE Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (CHISVAs) have you co-commissioned with local authorities in the financial years 2023-2024; 2022-2023; 2021-2022?

2023-2024 – 0

2022-2023 -0

2021-2022 -0

How may FTE Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (IDVAs) have you commissioned in the financial years 2023-2024; 2022-2023; 2021-2022?

2023-2024 – 6 (Hospital, Courts, Male, Senior, Health and Communities, DA ISAC)

2022-2023 – 6 (Hospital, Courts, Male, Senior, Health and Communities, DA ISAC)

2021-2022 – 6 (Children and Young person, Hospital, Courts, Senior, Health and Communities, DA ISAC)

How many FTE Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVAs) have you commissioned in the financial years 2023-2024; 2022-2023; 2021-2022?

2023-2024 – 4

2022-2023 – 4

2021-2022 – 4

How many FTE Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (IDVAs) and FTE Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVAs) have you co-commissioned with local authorities in the financial years 2023-2024; 2022-2023; 2021-2022?

2023-2024 – 0

2022-2023 – 0

2021-2022 – 0

Please come back to us if you require further assistance on this matter.

Received: 12/12/2023

Response sent: 19/12/2023


We’ve been looking into a weekend award that named Zimbabwe’s finance’s minister as the best in Africa, and things have taken a turn towards what seems a lot like fraud.

Commissioner Akinbusoye’s name comes up due to this image, which appears to show him at the award ceremony or a related meeting.

The awards were supposedly chaired by Lord Waverley, but he tells us he has never heard of the event nor the company behind it, Reputation Poll International.

Can you tell us please:

• Did the commissioner attend, and was it in his professional capacity?
• Was he paid for his attendance?
• Did he vet the award or the company behind it?
• Would he care to respond to state-run media in Zimbabwe reporting the involvement of at least one UK peer who was not, in fact, involved?


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, please see answers below.

• Did the commissioner attend, and was it in his professional capacity?

The Commissioner did attend this event in his professional capacity as Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire.

• Was he paid for his attendance?

The Commissioner was not paid for his attendance at this event.

• Did he vet the award or the company behind it?

The Commissioner attended this event as a guest speaker and was therefore not required to vet any award or company who were part of the event.

• Would he care to respond to state-run media in Zimbabwe reporting the involvement of at least one UK peer who was not, in fact, involved?

The Commissioner will not be responding to any press or media requests related to this matter.

Please come back to us if you require further assistance on this matter.

Received: 03/01/2024

Response sent: 05/01/2024


I would like to request if your OFPCC have any contracts for research, projects or services with EAP Research Consultancy Ltd. This includes contracts yet to be reviewed/agreed or raised as business cases and what the GBP value of these contracts are.

Dates requested are from 31/10/22 to present date, also any future plans/contracts in the next 12 months with this Company.


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, EAP Research Consultancy Ltd have not been funded either by contract or grant agreement by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire from 31/10/2022 to present. The Commissioning Team have confirmed that at present, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire do not have any ongoing processes, future plans or contracts for services to be provided by EAP Research Consultancy Ltd.

Please come back to us if you require further assistance on this matter.

Received: 29/12/2023

Response sent: 17/01/2024


I wish to make an FOI request. Please provide me with the following information for the financial years 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23.

All expenditure made by your organisation, in every facet of its operations and purview, on translation, interpretation, and language services.

Please provide the aggregated total spent by your organisation and then, if possible, please provide this broken down by particular function for which the service was carried out.


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, please see answers below.

The Counselling Foundation were awarded funding via the Ministry of Justice Sexual Violence and Domestic Abuse (SVDA) fund, the funding was awarded for 3 years in a multi-year agreement from 2022-2025. The value of the funding allocation is £15,000.00 per annum. Ongoing financial monitoring is in place in line with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioners, Commissioning strategy and in accordance with the Ministry of Justice there is a potential for funding to be repurposed to support demand changes.

Please note our office has also forwarded your request to Bedfordshire Police who will be in touch with a response.

Please come back to us if you require further assistance on this matter.

Received: 12/01/2024

Response sent: 12/01/2024


This is an information request relating to overtime hours and pay.

Please include the following information for the following financial years, 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23:
• The total amount of overtime pay that was paid out by your force to its police officers
• Please state the total amount of overtime pay received in each year for the officer who received the most in overtime pay. Please state if the officer was a constable or a sergeant and in which department they worked
• (Note the answer should give the rank of the officer (constable) and just his/her total annual overtime pay remembering to EXCLUDE other types of pay)


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office. Please request this from Bedfordshire Police Force directly at or via their website at:

Received: 17/01/2024

Response sent: 23/01/2024


To ask the police and crime commissioner for Bedfordshire how many meetings have been held with LGBTIQ+ groups in Bedfordshire during his period in Office, what date these meetings were, held and which organisations were present.

To note by the term LGBTIQ+ we are refering specifically to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex, Queer plus community, also know as the LGBT community.


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire hasn’t been invited to attend any specific meetings with LGBTIQ+ groups in Bedfordshire however, he has attended events and communicated with LGBTIQ+ groups such as at the Ampthill Festival in 2023.

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire has also commissioned an LGBTIQ+ Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) for the period of 2022 – 2025. The LGBTIQ+ specialist ISVA champions accurate recording and analysis to shape service delivery internally and with partners, increases understanding of LGBTIQ+ identities and experiences amongst partner agencies through specialist training. You can read more on our website here:

Please come back to us if you require further assistance on this matter.

Received: 16/01/2024

Response sent: 19/01/2024


Under the freedom of information act please can you supply me the following information by email

Current Fleet Manager
Assistant fleet Manager
Number of beat/Patrol vehicles currently in fleet
Number of traffic vehicles currently in fleet
Number of Cell Vans currently in fleet
Number of Camera Vans currently in fleet
The on road lifespan for each of the above types of vehicle


Thank you for your email to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) for Bedfordshire. The OPCC does not hold the information that you have requested and this must be requested from Bedfordshire Police at or via their website at

Received: 29/01/2024

Response sent: 20/02/2024


  1. Please can you provide details of any victims services commissioned by the OPCC exclusively for victims under the age of 18, including:

  • Details of the service(s).
  • The funding allocated to each service.
  • How many victims under the age of 18 were supported by these services.
  • Please can these details be provided for the year 2022/23 and 2021/22.


2. Please can you provide details of any victims services commissioned by the OPCC that provide support for victims under the age of 18 (even if the service is not exclusively for victims under the age of 18), including:

  • Details of the service(s)
  • The funding allocated to each service
  • How many victims under the age of 18 were supported by these services.


Please can these details be provided for the year 2022/23 and 2021/22


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, please see answers in below.

  1. Please can you provide details of any victims services commissioned by the OPCC exclusively for victims under the age of 18, including:
  • Details of the service(s)
  • The funding allocated to each service
  • How many victims under the age of 18 were supported by these services.

Please can these details be provided for the year 2022/23 and 2021/22.




Embrace – information only available from Mid-Year return to Ministry of Justice.



Service Model

Service Description


Number of victims referred

Number of victims supported

Embrace Child Victims of Crime






Embrace Child Victims of Crime






Embrace Child Victims of Crime

Outsourced – Co-Commissioned

Tailored support – Practical & Emotional inc counselling for victims of sexual and domestic abuse




Embrace Child Victims of Crime











Core KIDVA Service


Funding Allocation


£70,000.00 per year


Funding Period





To provide 2 children and young person specific Independent Domestic Abuse Advisor (KIDVA) to deliver trauma informed emotional, safety and practical support to children impacted by domestic abuse related crimes.


Referrals available via self-referral and via professionals. Support is available to those aged up to 18.


22/23 – 467 referrals supported, into 454 cases.


Additional KIDVA role and Counselling Support


Funding Allocation


Year 1 – £49,000.00

Year 2 – £49,000.00

Year 3 – £73,500.00


Funding Period





To provide a children and young person specific Independent Domestic Abuse Advisor (KIDVA) to deliver trauma informed emotional, safety and practical support to children impacted by domestic abuse related crimes.


Referrals available via self-referral and via professionals. Support is available to those aged up to 18.


22/23 – 123 referrals supported into 101 cases.


Public Protection Unit Referral Route Counselling Support


Funding Allocation


£90,000.00 per year


Funding Period





To provide specialist support to children and young people who are victims of sexual violence and domestic abuse and are being supported through an investigation by Bedfordshire Police teams.


Referrals are available via RASSO, PVP and Emerald Bedfordshire Police Teams only. Referrals are for those aged up to 18.


22/23 – 75 referrals supported into 43 cases.


Early Childhood Partnership


Funding Allocation


£180,000.00 (overall project, not children and young people only)


Funding Period





Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) support for child and adult victims of sexual violence. ISVAs support victims and survivors at any time of their life, with practical and emotional support for victims.


Referrals are available by self-referral or from a professional for victims who have experienced rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual violence, trafficking and exploitation, child sexual exploitation, and harmful practises, historic and recent.



22/23 – 74 children and young persons supported.


Living Your Life


Funding Allocation


£96,363.00 (overall project, not children and young people only)


Funding Period





To provide targeted counselling support across 10 projects areas, including support for male and female adult and child survivors of childhood, non-recent sexual violence/ domestic abuse, support for those with additional needs and support of parents of victims.


Eligibility varies depending on the project accessed given specialisms.



Cannot be delineated from monitoring returns as each individual project is not reported on separately.


2. Please can you provide details of any victim’s services commissioned by the OPCC that provide support for victims under the age of 18 (even if the service is not exclusively for victims under the age of 18), including:

  • Details of the service(s)
  • The funding allocated to each service
  • How many victims under the age of 18 were supported by these services.


Please can these details be provided for the year 2022/23 and 2021/22.




Signpost Victims Hub


Reported at mid-year return – £510,418.00.


Outcomes unknown.




Bedfordshire Victim Care Services


£435,000 per annum


293 children and young people aged 18 years and under supported.


You can find out more about commissioned services on our website including organisations that our office fund at

Please come back to us if you require further assistance on this matter.

Received: 31/01/2024

Response sent: 06/02/2024


Our office has been contacted by a constituent who is concerned about Bedfordshire Police’s confiscation policy for e-scooters.

The constituent was previously under the impression that confiscated e-scooters would be destroyed. However, following an FOI request to the PCC’s office the constituent tells us that the e-scooters confiscated had actually been either auctioned or returned to their owners.

In light of this can I please ask:

1) for some clarity on the current policy for confiscating e-scooters that are used illegally?

2) what percentage of confiscated e-scooters are destroyed, versus auctioned or returned to owners?

3) under what circumstances would Bedfordshire Police consider it appropriate to return an illegally used e-scooter to an owner?


Thank you for your email to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) for Bedfordshire. The OPCC does not hold the information that you have requested and this must be requested from Bedfordshire Police at or via their website at

Received: 06/02/2024

Response sent: 14/03/2024


I hereby submit a F.O.I request on all events Festus Akinbusoye either on his official Facebook page of Office Bedfordshire Police Crime Commissioner or his other Festus Akinbusoye PCC Facebook page.

The PCC has published a number of photographs of children taken during his visits to various schools, police cadets, girl guides etc.

So the F.O.I request is for all dates/events that the Bedfordshire PCC has attended and published multiple photographs of children/minors during these engagement events, how many parents/guardians have given written consent for their children’s faces to be published across the multiple social media platforms/groups used by the Bedfordshire PCC.

F.O.I request for all sites visited by Bedfordshire PCC where children are involved schools/cadets/guides etc etc. How many signed consent forms have been given to OPCC on such and such date for every occasion the PCC has undertaken an event with children and photographs taken and published on social media.

There are very strict protocols in place for all schools and photographs/videos are strictly forbidden from being taken by parents/grandparents/family without full parental consent for each child.


** Spreadsheet sent with response – please contact the office if you’d like to receive a copy of this **

We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) can provide information requested for the OPCC social media channels only.

The attached chart details a response to your request.

The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Festus Akinbusoye manages his personal account and the OPCC is unable to review and access this. Festus Akinbusoye is the Data Controller of his personal social media accounts and not the OPCC.

The PCC established and manages their own social media pages/accounts to communicate directly with residents. These accounts have been established prior to becoming PCC and as a result/may remain political in nature. To protect the political neutrality of staff employed by the OPCC and to maintain the integrity of the PCC as an office holder, the OPCC will not play any role in maintaining the PCC’s personal accounts. Any posts or comments posted on these accounts or activity from them is not facilitated by the OPCC and is the responsibility/decision of the PCC.

If you wish to raise a separate FOI about the account, please contact the PCC directly. The OPCC has been informed that the PCC obtains verbal consent from the organisations he is visiting prior to publishing photographs.

For your information, the PCC manages his social media accounts very much in line with councillor guidance available:

“Councillors are personally responsible for the social media content they create, publish and share.

On social media, councillors should also keep in mind their responsibility in relation to confidential information, copyright, data protection, the pre-election period and exempt reports. Councillors are still subject to the Code of Conduct on social media where there is an explicit link between the content posted and council business or your role as councillor. As a general rule, councillors should demonstrate good conduct at all times and so should act as though their public engagement on social media falls in scope of the Code of Conduct.”

You can find the list of schools visited by the PCC as well as all other events and engagements on our website here:

For your information, photographs have been provided by schools that the PCC has visited and the chart details whether consent has been obtained from the school to use.

The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) has published some useful guidance on taking photographs; data protection advice for schools, found here: as well as taking photos in schools; for the public:

The ICO guidance states that:

“If you post photos or videos to a public account, viewable by an indefinite number of people, this is likely to go beyond personal use. In this instance, you will need to be aware of your obligations under data protection law.

You are not necessarily prevented from posting images on a public account. However, you will need to consider whether individuals in the photos or videos would reasonably expect the images to be used in this way. Data protection law states that you must take extra care when using children’s personal data, to ensure their interests are protected.

If images of you or your child have been posted online, you can request that they are removed. We recommend that you first contact the account owner to ask them to remove the images.

In most cases, the account owner should agree to a request to take down images of another individual uploaded to their personal account.

We recommend allowing one month for a response. If they refuse or don’t reply you can submit a complaint to the ICO. At that point we may contact the account owner to ask them to resolve the concern. However, beyond this, it is unlikely that the ICO can take additional action.”

The OPCC for Bedfordshire have not to date received any requests to remove photos from any of our social media pages.

Please come back to us if you require further assistance on this matter.

Received: 15.02.2024

Response sent: 15.02.2024


I would also like to request the statistics for the amount of Islamophobic incidents between the years 2018 through to present of January 2024.

This should look at the breakdown of incidents each month through each year and be broken down in each area through the Bedfordshire area.

I would like to have the statistics for the amount of anti semitic crimes reported over the last year within the Bedfordshire Area, broken down by month and area within the statistics.
Would this be possible for the years 2018 through to the present now of January 2024.


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office. Please request this from Bedfordshire Police Force directly at or via their website at

Received: 25.01.2024

Response sent: 16.02.2024


Please could you provide me with the information as to whether your current Bedfordshire Victims Service “Victim Care” is an in-house service. If it is in-house please may you provide me with how long the service has been this way. If it is commissioned please can you inform me of the incumbent provider. 


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, Bedfordshire Victim Care Services (BVCS) has been an in-house provision with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) since the 1st of July 2020. Previous to that, it was part of Bedfordshire Police, this is currently under revision. BVCS is commissioned by the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) Core for the period 2022-2025.

The link below shows this year’s funding on our website:

Please come back to us if you require further assistance on this matter.


Received: 19/02/2024

Response sent: 20/02/2024


I’m doing some research on how Police & Crime Commissioners consulted on their Police plans in various parts of the country. Some did little or nothing, but I know that in Bedfordshire there was a survey etc. So far I haven’t located the results/analysis of that survey – and other reports from the consultation. Can you please help? Have I just missed a link on your website?


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, there is a press release on our website. This details a summary of findings from the Police and Crime Plan survey:

Please come back to us if you require further assistance on this matter.

Received: 26/02/2024

Response sent: 01/03/2024


Can you kindly provide me with a copy of your most recent Executive Summary/Evaluation of your Perpetrator Programme(s) funded fully or in part by the Home Office Perpetrator Fund.


The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire have recently published a press release on their website regarding the Perpetrator Programme which you can find here:

Please come back to us if you require further assistance on this matter.

Received: 01/03/2024

Response sent: 22/03/2024


ACCM UK – We are requesting all the information you used to assess our application, this year and in 2022 Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


** Please contact our office to request for a copy of the spreadsheet provided **

We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, the information that you have requested surrounding the information used to assess ACCM’s applications for this current year (2024-25) has been attached to this email. The Commissioning Team have confirmed that ACCM did not request for funding for the period 2023-24 and on the 25 August 2022 our office responded to your request for information surrounding how ACCM’s applications were assessed for 2022-23. I have attached a copy of the response from our office to this request for ease.

Please come back to us if you require further assistance on this matter.

Received: 29/02/2024

Response sent: 04/03/2024


Specifically, I am seeking information regarding your secure communication.

Please provide me with the following information:

1. What is your current email provider (e.g. Outlook or G-suite)?

2. Do you have a solution for secure email in place (Y/N)?

3. Who is your current email security provider (e.g. Egress)?

4. When is the contract up for renewal?

5. Typically what is the chosen duration of these contracts 12, 24, or 36 Months?

6. Name and contact details of the person responsible?

7. Current annual spend for this contract?

8. Current number of licenses for this contract?

9. Did you purchase via a reseller, or partner (if yes, please specify who e.g. Phoenix, Softcat etc.)?

10. Are you planning on assigning specific budgets for securing email communication in 2024?

11. Do you procure through the G-Cloud framework (if not, how do you procure & plan to procure secure email in the future)?


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office.

I have forwarded your request to Bedfordshire Police Force, and they will be in touch.

Should you wish to contact them directly, you can do so using

Please come back to us if you require further assistance on this matter.

Received: 27/02/2024

Response sent: 11/03/2024


Can you please provide the following information by email:

In line with the legal recognition of ethical veganism as a protected philosophical belief under the Equality Act 2010 since January 2020, any written communication from 2020 to 2023 inclusively between the Police and Crime Commissioner office and the Police, regarding veganphobia or hate crime against vegans.


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, please see answers below.

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has not received any written communication between 2020 – 2023 regarding veganphobia or hate crime against vegans.

Please note our office has also forwarded your request to Bedfordshire Police who will be in touch with a response.

Please come back to us if you require further assistance on this matter.



Received: 07/03/2024

Response sent: 07/03/2024


I am currently working on an urgent project in relation to custody and I was wondering if you could provide me with the following in relation to Beds Custody

Annual throughput (for 2023):
Number of suites:
Number of cells (total):
Number of cells (per suite):
Suite volumes:
Staffing levels (in total):
Staffing levels (per suite):


Thank you for your request however our office does not hold this information/data and you will need to request this from Bedfordshire Police directly at

Received: 14/03/2024

Response sent: 14/03/2024


I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information:

1. Do you currently employ live video streaming technology within your Police Force for operational purposes? If so, in what contexts or situations is it utilized?
2. What specific platforms or systems do you use for live video streaming?
3. Are there any plans for expanding or enhancing the use of live video streaming technology in the future? If so, what are they, and what considerations are being taken into account?
4. Who is the key contact within the Police Force who deals with the Live Video Streaming Technology? (Name, Position and Email).


Thank you for your request to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, however this information isn’t held by our office.

Please request this from Bedfordshire Police Force directly at or via their website at:

Received: 15/03/2024

Response sent: 09/04/2024


In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please can you provide the following:

• A copy of all emails received or sent by any employee of Office of the Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner that includes the link:
• Please include the recipient and sender in the response
• Please include any replies to these emails


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, please see answers in bold below.

The employees of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner have not received or sent any emails that include the link

Please come back to us if you require further assistance on this matter.

Received: 07/03/2024

Response sent: 27/03/2024


Commissioning Evaluation Panels 2024-25

Please do also provide the names of the panel I am requesting under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, there were three members on the 2024-25 Funding Evaluation Panels which included Tara Malciw, Commissioning Officer, Louisa Glynn, a consultant working within the Commissioning Team covering the Commissioning and Income Generation Lead role whilst the individual is on Maternity Leave, and an Independent Member, Martin White. You can read more via our website under decision for further information surrounding the process and outcome of the evaluation panel.

Received: 18/03/2024

Response sent: 15/05/2024


I am writing to make an information request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I am interested in the following information:

1. Please confirm if the VRU has a detailed Theory of Change or Logic Model which underpins the Violence Reduction Programme. If yes, please provide:

a. A copy of the Theory of Change and/or Detailed Logic Model or a link to where the Theory of Change is published.

b. The date the Theory of Change was formally adopted by the VRU to underpin its Violence Reduction Programme.

c. A summary of how the Theory of Change and Logic Model was developed.

2. When commissioning services for delivery to the VRU programme, please confirm whether the VRU routinely requests details of the Theory of Change/Logic Models from proposed commissioned providers? If yes, please provide copies of the Theory of Change documents/evidence provided by the last three service providers commissioned by the VRU.

3. Please confirm how often the VRU’s Theory of Change has been formally evaluated by the VRU since 2018. Please confirm the dates of any evaluation(s) and a copy of (or link to) any evaluation reports or supporting documents.

4. Please confirm the level of funding received from the Home Office to support VRU activity since 2018?

5. Please confirm the number of commissioned services procured by the VRU each year since 2018.

6. For each year since 2018, please confirm how many of these individual commissioned services have been evaluated by the VRU or independently, over and above any overarching evaluation of VRU performance itself.

Please provide this information in by email/in electronic format.


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, please see answers in bold below.

1. Please confirm if the VRU has a detailed Theory of Change or Logic Model which underpins the Violence Reduction Programme. If yes, please provide:

a. A copy of the Theory of Change and/or Detailed Logic Model or a link to where the Theory of Change is published – A copy of the Theory of Change is attached (please contact our office for a copy of this document).

b. The date the Theory of Change was formally adopted by the VRU to underpin its Violence Reduction Programme – January 2023.

c. A summary of how the Theory of Change and Logic Model was developed – The summary is provided in the attachment.

2. When commissioning services for delivery to the VRU programme, please confirm whether the VRU routinely requests details of the Theory of Change/Logic Models from proposed commissioned providers? If yes, please provide copies of the Theory of Change documents/evidence provided by the last three service providers commissioned by the VRU – The VERU are currently going through their procurement process for the 24/25 providers and therefore cannot as yet provide these documents.

3. Please confirm how often the VRU’s Theory of Change has been formally evaluated by the VRU since 2018. Please confirm the dates of any evaluation(s) and a copy of (or link to) any evaluation reports or supporting documents – The VERU’s Theory of Change was recently created. It’s first evaluation will take place during this financial year. Report to be finalised by March 2025.

4. Please confirm the level of funding received from the Home Office to support VRU activity since 2018?

2018/19 £0
2019/20 £880,000 awarded, £695,559 claimed (due to time taken to stand unit up)
2020/21 £880,000
2021/22 £880,000
2022/23 £1,414,226
2023/24 £1,058,313

5. Please confirm the number of commissioned services procured by the VRU each year since 2018.

2019/20 – 20
2020/21 – 20
2021/22 – 23
2022/23 – 18
2023/24 – 18

6. For each year since 2018, please confirm how many of these individual commissioned services have been evaluated by the VRU or independently, over and above any overarching evaluation of VRU performance itself. – None.

Please come back to us if you require further assistance on this matter.

Received: 25/03/2024

Response sent: 09/04/2024


Total running costs for the OPCC for 2022-23 and 2023-24


With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, the total cost of running the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire (including staff salaries) for the 2022/2023 financial year is £1,210,233.
Please note that we are still finalising the 2023 – 2024 year end position, so I am unable to provide this information at this time.
We hope this information proves useful. Please come back to us if you require further assistance on this matter.

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