Bedfordshire Police Headquarters

Bridgebury House, Woburn Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire, MK43 9AX

Email the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner

An Update on 24 Hours in Police Custody

An Update on 24 Hours in Police Custody

Dear Valued Partners


Thank you for raising your concerns around 24 Hours in Police Custody being filmed in Luton and the impact it has on the town’s reputation. There is clearly a strong feeling from partners on this issue and we appreciate you making this known.


Given the concerns raised, we met with each other last week to discuss and to see if we could find an agreed way forward.


From the police’s point of view the programme is part of their commitment to building trust and confidence with the public. Research from Channel 4 shows how effective the programme has been at improving that nationally.


Bedfordshire Police believes it offers substantial reassurance to residents that they are protected by an effective locally embedded police service. It gives the opportunity to share crucially important advice and signposting as well as breaking down myths about crime being glamorous or a good lifestyle choice. It sends a categoric message that criminals will not be able to operate with impunity in Luton, or anywhere in Bedfordshire, and underlines Bedfordshire Police’s relentless commitment to bring offenders to justice.


It also provides a platform to reach young people to talk about issues that impact this town, including drug use and knife crime. Issues we are both committed to tackling in Luton.


It has been used as an education tool in schools and healthcare settings and has directly resulted in victims of crime coming forward to help bring offenders to justice.


From the council’s point of view there is acceptance that there are positives to the show from the police’s perspective, however our concerns remain that it continues to damage the reputation of Luton at a time when we are trying to change the narrative so we can attract new investment, business and opportunities for our residents. This is something we know you all sign up to.


In terms of a way forward, while we have differing perspectives on this programme, we have agreed to speak to the producers to see what measures can be put in place to reduce any negative perceptions of the town in future episodes.


There has already been some progress in this area as the show has moved from what started as the daily business at Luton Police Station, to a much wider focus on key topics such as male violence against women and girls and serious and organised crime.


Geographically too, the programme now covers the whole county as well as Cambridgeshire, and has covered cases across the region through the Eastern Regional Special Operations Unit.


Bedfordshire Police and Luton Council value our strong partnership and relationships with our communities and partners.  We have listened to the views expressed in your letter, and at our recent meeting.


A strength of our relationship is that we can respect each other’s views whilst continuing to serve all our communities and demonstrate the positive joint work being done to keep people safe in Luton and across Bedfordshire.


Our different viewpoint on this programme will not undermine that shared commitment.



Yours sincerely,


Trevor Rodenhurst                                                                 John Tizard

Bedfordshire Police Chief Constable                                   Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner



Robin Porter                                                                           Councillor Hazel Simmons MBE

Chief Executive Luton Council                                              Leader of Luton Council




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