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Bridgebury House, Woburn Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire, MK43 9AX

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Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner

Bedfordshire Victim Care Services

Bedfordshire Victim Care Services (BVCS) – Supporting those affected by crime in Bedfordshire

Bedfordshire Victim Care Services Logo 

Whether it is you, a partner, friend, relative or colleague who has been the subject of a crime, Bedfordshire Victim Care Services is the way for you to find the help that meets your specific needs.

For more information and support, please visit the Bedfordshire Victim Care Services website.

Bedfordshire Victim Care Services (BVCS) Vision and Mission


Bedfordshire Victim Care Services is a confidential, non-judgemental service that provides emotional and practical support to victims and witnesses in Bedfordshire, assisting the individual to cope and recover from the impact of a crime. To empower victims in their recovery through tailored individual support and related referrals to specialist support services.


To provide high quality emotional and practical support to those who have been affected by crime in Bedfordshire.

To advocate the concerns and wellbeing of the individual.

To empower the individual to cope and recover from crime through crisis intervention and appropriate referrals to specialist support services.

To keep the client at the forefront of everything we do.

To ensure every victim we support is treated fairly and fully understands what they can expect from us.

To ensure the most appropriate support is provided with the right information at the right time in a manner that is right for them.

How We Can Help

Bedfordshire Victim Care Services is an innovative approach to supporting those affected by crime in Bedfordshire, putting victims at the heart of everything we do. BVCS offers free and confidential support to anyone affected by crime, whether it has been reported to the police or not. This includes victims themselves, bereaved relatives, parents or guardians of victims under 16 and members of staff where a business has been the subject of a crime.

When you report a crime to the police you will be asked a few questions to find out how you have been affected by the crime and your personal circumstances, to see if there is any additional support that you might need. We will use this information to decide the best way to support you.

We may contact you by phone or in writing. One of our skilled Victim Care Coordinators will be able to identify the help you might need and what local support is available. If needed, we can support you through any proceedings at Magistrates’ or Crown Court.

We will also talk to you about the benefits of Restorative Justice, which can give you the opportunity to tell the offender about the real impact the crime they committed has had on you.


Emotional Support

Whether you have recently been affected by a crime or are experiencing delayed impact from a past crime, we are able to help you understand what has happened and how to cope and recover from what can be a traumatic experience.
Our experienced staff and volunteers know what emotions and challenges you may be going through. They are specially trained to listen to you and give you help and advice.
Often just talking to someone, especially one who is independent from your family and friends, can help you make sense of what has happened and find a way for you to cope and recover.
We can provide a safe, neutral place for you to voice your fears, worries and emotions. Our emotional support is confidential and non-judgemental.
We also work with a range of specialist organisations and community support groups who we can help you to contact.

Practical Support

The impact of a crime isn’t just emotional. You may have to deal with practical problems such as damage to your property or you may need help to understand your journey through the criminal justice system, or help in claiming criminal compensation. We will give you the information that you need to understand your options and next steps.

If you or someone you know has been affected by crime, BVCS can provide the support needed to enable you to cope and recover from your experiences and ensure you receive your entitlements under the Code of Practice for Victims of Crime 2021.

The service is free and available to anyone who has been affected by a crime irrespective of where and when the crime occurred.

If you need our support please contact 0800 0282887 and leave a message, email or complete the self-referral form found within the contact us section of this website and we will be in touch.

To access support, please contact Bedfordshire Victim Care Services (BVCS)

Freephone: 0800 0282 887
(calls are free from landlines and mobiles)



BVCS Opening Hours:

Monday to Friday: 8am – 6pm 

Out of hours you can leave a voicemail and BVCS will call back.
Closed bank holidays.

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