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Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner

Beds PCC vows to fight racism and hate

Beds PCC vows to fight racism and hate

Speaking at various events in Bedfordshire, the PCC has taken a strong stance against racism, discrimination, and inequality.

He has emphasised his unwavering commitment to fostering unity and addressing issues of racism and hate crime.

This comes following his engagement with local communities alongside mosque representatives to highlight the importance of solidarity and inclusion in these challenging times.

He said “We are one Bedfordshire. Our strength lies in our diversity.

“There is absolutely no place in our county for racism, Islamophobia, or any form of hate crime whoever it is directed at or whoever commits such heinous behaviour.

“As PCC, I am dedicated to eliminating such behaviours and ensuring that every citizen, regardless of their ethnicity or faith is treated with fairness and respect.

“I am pleased that communities under the threat of attack were reassured by the by the actions and support from the police. Social cohesion is important, but we must ensure that all communities and people of all races feel safe and are respected.”

The PCC further highlighted the shared commitment of the Chief Constable and the Bedfordshire Police Service in upholding these values.

He said: “We must do more than just condemn these actions—we must act decisively to eliminate inequalities in all their forms.

“This includes making strategic investments in our communities, prevention and equalities programmes.

“Racism is evil. We must have a zero tolerance to it. It is not enough to say you are not racist, we must all be anti-racist and challenge racists and institutional racism.

“My Police and Crime Plan, launching in October, will focus on criminal justice, social justice, and equality under the law, ensuring that resources are allocated equitably across all our diverse communities.

“I am committed to strengthening police community relations, to be vigilant in tackling hate crime, addressing discrimination and inequality, and to celebrate our diversity”.

The PCC launched a survey to residents to ask for feedback on his upcoming Police and Crime plan. Take the survey here.

If you’d like to contact the PCC’s office, please email

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