Bedfordshire Police Headquarters
Bridgebury House, Woburn Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire, MK43 9AX
Under paragraph 1(d) of the Schedule to the Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011, Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) are required to publish the allowances paid to them and to their deputies in respect of expenses incurred by the Commissioner or Deputy in the exercise of the Commissioner’s functions.
PCCs and their deputies should publish a breakdown of their expenses including:
Their name, Force area, financial year, month, date, claim reference numbers, expense type (e.g. travel, accommodation), a short description of details, amount claimed, amount reimbursed, amount not reimbursed and the reason why a claim was not reimbursed.
For travel and subsistence claims: date, place of origin, place of destination, category of journey, class of travel, mileage, length of hotel stay and category of hotel stay.
The Expenses Policy can be found on our website.
The purpose of authorised allowances is to reimburse expenses incurred by PCCs in carrying out their duties, not to provide a general gratuity for undertaking the role.
The kind of allowances determined by the Secretary of State for the purposes of paragraph 3 of Schedule 1 to the 2011 Act are allowances in respect of travel expenses, subsistence expenses, exceptional expenses and reasonably incurred by a PCC in the exercise of the commissioner’s functions.
Expenses claimed (last updated December 2024)
Gifts and Hospitality claimed (last updated October 2024)
Expenses claimed (last updated October 2024)
Gifts and Hospitality claimed (last updated October 2024)
Expenses claimed (In process of being updated)
Gifts and Hospitality claimed (In process of being updated)
Police and Crime Commissioner Festus Akinbusoye
Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Ian Dalgarno
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