Bedfordshire Police Headquarters

Bridgebury House, Woburn Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire, MK43 9AX

Email the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner

Freedom of Information Log - April 2020 - March 2021

Please find below all Freedom of Information Act 2000 requests received by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire and the related responses. We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

April 2020 – March 2021

Received: 28/05/2020

Response sent: 02/06/2020


In light of these national figures, can you let me know what the up-to-date Covid related figures are for:
1) FPNs and the breakdown of those issued with the fines?
2) Stop-and-Search figures


Thank you for your email, however the information that you require is not held by this office and should be requested from Bedfordshire Police at: 

Received: 23/06/2020

Response sent: 23/06/2020


Wish to obtain the following documents:
1. ICT/IM&T/IS Strategy- The IT department strategy or plans, highlights their current and future objectives.
2. ICT Org Chart- A visual document that presents the structure of the IT department, please include name and job titles. If this cannot be sent, please work towards a structure with job titles.
3. ICT Annual or Business Plan- Like the ICT strategy but is more annually focused.
4. ICT Capital Programme/budget- A document that shows financials budget on current and future projects.

If some of these documents are not valid, please state when the 2020 ICT documents are planned to be published.


Thank you for your email, however the information that you require is not held by this office and should be requested from Bedfordshire Police at:

Received: 02/07/2020

Response sent: 02/07/2020


Dear Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner,

Under the Freedom Of Information Act, I would like to request data on the annual holiday left unclaimed by police offices in your force in 2018 and 2019. Meaning, the amount of allowed annual holiday hours left unclaimed by police officers who work for/worked for the force in 2018 and 2019.
I would like the data to be in the format 2018: ‘X’ hours, 2019: ‘X’ hours if possible.


The information that you require is not held by this office and should be requested from Bedfordshire Police at: 

Received: 13/08/2020

Response sent: 10/09/2020


Safer Streets
1. Did your office apply?
2. Provide a copy of your application(s)
3. Provide a copy of any grant letter(s) received together with any conditions attached to the grant(s)
4. Any information held with regards to ongoing revenue costs not covered by the Home Office grant.


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent request and in response to your questions, I can confirm the following:

1. Yes – I can confirm that Bedfordshire OPCC did apply for the safer streets fund and was successful –

2. The application was in five sections via an on-line Home Office bidding portal and as such we do not hold the application form. However I attach the information which was used to submit within the bid. I have redacted aspects of this information, which can be highlighted by the black block due to the information being exempt under S31 – Law Enforcement and exempt under Section 40(2) – Personal information.

3. No grant letter and final conditions had been received at the time of the request. No information held at time of request.

4. There are no ongoing costs not covered by the Home Office Grant.

Received: 05/10/2020

Response sent: 06/10/2020


I write to you under the Freedom of Information act 2000 to request five pieces of evidence:

1. FOUNDATION EVIDENCE for the claim that all genus of cannabis meets the currently accepted criteria for a schedule 1 substance in its raw form.

2. FOUNDATION EVIDENCE for the claim that cannabinoid preparations meet the currently accepted criteria for a schedule 1 substance.

3. FOUNDATION EVIDENCE for the claim that cannabis is a ‘controlled’ substance in the UK and who is making that claim of control.

4. FOUNDATION EVIDENCE for what is considered misuse of raw cannabis and its various preparations.

5. The Clear Scientific Evidence of physical and mental harm and harm to communities, resultant from the use of cannabis to justify the class B penalty as per the 1971 Misuse of Drugs Act.


Thank you for your email, however the information that you require is not held by this office and should be requested from Bedfordshire Police at:

Received: 22/10/2020

Response sent: 23/10/2020


Could you please provide up to date Names, Job Titles, telephone numbers and email addresses for the following;

Deputy Commissioner
Chief Executive
Chief Finance officer
Commissioning Officer
Head of Governance
Head of Procurement
Head of Data / ICT / Digital Department
Directors / Heads

Or the equivalent job titles in your organisation.

In addition if you have an up to date 2020 senior staff organisation or structure chart could you please forward a copy to me in either Excel or pdf format.


With reference to your recent request and in response to your questions, I can confirm the following:

Please visit our website where all staff information is available –

Our main office line is 01234 842064

Received: 02/11/2020

Response sent: 02/11/2020


3 LUTON venue’s, JJM Mosque, Zaheers Venue and Grand Park Hall have had an attendance well over the permitted allowed during covid-19 and were all visited by the police. Why as there only been ONE fine of £10000.00p (Grande Park Hall) and the other TWO have not. I wonder why this is, my apologies if they have been fined, but if so, it hasn’t been broadcast or published in the media. I would like to know please.


Thank you for contacting the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner. I will pass email on to Bedfordshire Police Force who are best placed to review and respond.

Received: 06/11/2020

Response sent: 06/11/2020


Can I ask, how many police officers did it take to close Gainz Gym in Bedford yesterday? I own properties in Bedford, Luton & Woburn, I can go months without seeing a single police officer.


Thank you for contacting the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner.

Unfortunately, this office does not hold the information you require, however, you can request this via Bedfordshire Police by sending a mail to:

Received: 16/11/2020

Response sent: 17/11/2020


Telephony System
1. What is your current telephony system?
2. How many users of the telephony system?
3. When is the contract up for renewal?
4. Are you considering or interested in Microsoft Teams Voice (Direct Routing)?
5. The name (separately) and email address of the primary contact for this contract?
6. Current annual spend?

Mobile phone contracts
1. Who is your current mobile phone provider?
2. How many mobile connections?
3. When is the contract up for renewal?
4. How long do you contract for (24 or 36 months)?
5. The name (separately) and email address of the primary contact for this contract?
6. Current annual spend?

Crown Commercial Services frameworks
Do you procure through the Networks Services 2 framework? (RM3808 previously RM1045) If not, how do you procure mobiles and telecommunication services/solutions?


Thank you for your email, however the information that you require is not held by this office and should be requested from Bedfordshire Police at:

Received: 12/11/2020

Response sent: 17/11/2020


Can you advise how many staff the incumbent P.C.C has to efficiently run the PCC office.
Can you advise how many Police are used in the PCC office?
Can you advise if the PCC office conducts its own FOI requests.
Can you advise if the Police conduct the PCC FOI requests.


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent request and in response to your questions, I can confirm the following:

All information of staff structure is available on the PCC website – please click on the following link:

No members of Bedfordshire Police are within the OPCC. All staff members are employed by the OPCC.

The OPCC complete all of their own FOI requests.

Bedfordshire Police complete all of their own FOI requests.

Received: 09/11/2020

Response sent: 23/11/2020


I would be grateful if you could provide the following information:
• A list of all joint projects with health partners in the last two years;
• For each project, a clear indication of the health partner involved;
• For each project, a description of the aims, priorities and features of the intervention.

For the purpose of this request, ‘health partners’ refers to: NHS provider organisations, private and third sector healthcare organisations commissioned by the NHS or local authorities, NHS England, Public Health England, and local authority public health teams


OPCC completed request in full – response too large to input into spreadsheet.

Received: 04/12/2020

Response sent: 07/12/2020


Could you please let me know the following:

1. Number of unauthorised encampments Bedfordshire Police has dealt with each year since 2015?
2. Homicides where a weapon was used in Bedfordshire in 2018/19 and 2019/20
3. Drugs search warrants by Bedfordshire Police in 2018/19 and 2019/20
4. Number of officers that left the Bedfordshire Police (total) 2018/19 and 2019/20
5.Number of officers that joined Bedfordshire Police (total) 2018/19 and 2019/20
6.Number of publicly accessible and serviced reception desks operated by Bedfordshire police in 2010, 2015 and 2020. (These could be at a police station or community hub)


Passed to Bedfordshire Police to respond. 

Received: 13/12/2020

Response sent: 14/12/2020


Please can you process a Freedom of Information (FOI).

Please can you confirm the person responsible for IT/Information Security. Different organisations have different job titles for this responsibility, I’ve listed below the possible job titles:

Manager or Head for IT, Cyber, Information Security, IT Security, Information Governance


CIO (Chief Information Officer)


CISO (Chief Information Security Officer)

Please can you provide name, job title, email, direct phone number/mobile number. Please provide information via email.


Thank you for your email, however the information that you require is not held by this office and should be requested from Bedfordshire Police at:

Received: 14/12/2020

Response sent: 14/12/2020


I wish to enquire as to how many people have complained that there is a faulty gantry variable speed limit camera on the M1 Motorway between Junction 13 and Junction 12 Southbound due to the camera changing from 60mph to 50mph and the camera flashing and issuing a ticket seconds after the speed limit had changed?


Thank you for your email, however the information that you require is not held by this office and should be requested from Bedfordshire Police at:

Received: 14/12/2020

Response sent: 14/12/2020


I wish to enquire as to how many people have complained that there is a faulty gantry variable speed limit camera on the M1 Motorway between Junction 13 and Junction 12 Southbound due to the camera changing from 60mph to 50mph and the camera flashing and issuing a ticket seconds after the speed limit had changed? This request is date specific and relates to January 2020 when my ticket was issued and follows a previous Freedom Of Information request from XXXX.


Thank you for your email, however the information that you require is not held by this office and should be requested from Bedfordshire Police at:

Received: 14/12/2020

Response sent: 14/12/2020


I wish to enquire as to how many people reported a faulty variable speed camera between Junctions 13 and Junctions 12 of the M1 Motorway Southbound between the months of December 2019, January 2020 and February 2020 due to a faulty variable camera flashing motorists seconds after the variable limit was changed instead of waiting for 1 minute to pass to allow motorists to safely slow down?


Thank you for your email, however the information that you require is not held by this office and should be requested from Bedfordshire Police at:

Received: 16/12/2020

Response sent: 13/01/2021


Freedom of Information Request from Mental Health Innovations (MHI) regarding externally commissioned provision to support individuals who may be anxious, stressed, depressed, suicidal or overwhelmed and who need immediate support.


We write in connection with your request for information received on 16th December 2020 and note that you seek access to the following information:

1. Freedom of Information Request from Mental Health Innovations (MHI) regarding externally commissioned provision to support individuals who may be anxious, stressed, depressed, suicidal or overwhelmed and who need immediate support.

We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor.  Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

Information provided via PDF attachment document.

Received: 04/01/2021

Response sent: 13/01/2021


I wish to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act.

1) Number of requests for a meeting with Commissioner Holloway by Members of Parliament for Bedford and Kempston, Luton South and Luton North constituencies between since 8 June 2017

2) Number of times Commissioner Holloway held a meeting with any Member of Parliament for Bedford and Kempston, Luton South and Luton North constituencies since 8 June 2017.

3) Number of requests for a meeting with Commissioner Holloway by the Mayor of Bedford Borough Council since January 2015

4) Number of times Commissioner Holloway held a meeting with the Mayor of Bedford Borough Council since January 2015

For clarity, by meeting, I do not refer to full council, cabinet or public meetings.


We write in connection with your request for information received on 4th January 2021 and note that you seek access to the following information:

1) Number of requests for a meeting with Commissioner Holloway by Members of Parliament for Bedford and Kempston, Luton South and Luton North constituencies between since 8 June 2017

2) Number of times Commissioner Holloway held a meeting with any Member of Parliament for Bedford and Kempston, Luton South and Luton North constituencies since 8 June 2017.

3) Number of requests for a meeting with Commissioner Holloway by the Mayor of Bedford Borough Council since January 2015

4) Number of times Commissioner Holloway held a meeting with the Mayor of Bedford Borough Council since January 2015

For clarity, by meeting, I do not refer to full council, cabinet or public meetings.

Information provided via PDF attachment document.

Received: 05/01/2021

Response sent: 05/01/2021


Could you please tell me how many members of staff working in the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office have one or more of the words equality, diversity, fairness inclusion, gender, LGBT or race in their job title?


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent request and in response to your questions, I can confirm the following:

1. Could you please tell me how many members of staff working in the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office have one or more of the words equality, diversity, fairness inclusion, gender, LGBT or race in their job title?

We do not have any members of staff who work within the Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office who have the words equality, diversity, fairness inclusion, gender, LGBT or race within their job title.

Further information around members of staff employed by Bedfordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner Office can be found on our website using the following link –

Received: 11/01/2021

Response sent: 14/01/2021


How much funding went to specialist domestic abuse and sexual assault charities in 2020/21 and how much of an increase was this from the year before?

Or if you do not have data for this time period, can you please send the latest available data you have instead?


We write in connection with your request for information received on 11th January 2021 and note that you seek access to the following information:

How much funding went to specialist domestic abuse and sexual assault charities in 2020/21 and how much of an increase was this from the year before? Or if you do not have data for this time period, can you please send the latest available data you have instead?

We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor.  Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question,


Domestic Abuse Funded Organisations

2019/2020 – £229,502
2020/2021 – £704,568.20

There has been an increase of 207% in funding.

Received: 14/01/2021

Response sent: 18/01/2021


How much additional revenue Bedfordshire OPCC has brought in over the past 3 years


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor.  Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question,



Special Grant – £4.571 Million

Special Grant – £3 Million
VERU – £888,000 (however over £200k returned through staff recruited after an extensive process and also being hit with COVID-19 lockdown)
NHS Talking Therapies – £72,500
SURGE Fund – £1.2 Million

Special Grant – 2.9 Million
MOJ ISVA – £135,000
Safer Streets £882,150
Safer Streets CCTV – £30,000
MOJ Additional (Round 1) – £325,117
MOJ Additional (Round 2) – £139,788
NHS Talking Therapies – £18,000
VERU – £888,000
SURGE Fund – £900,000

Total throughout the three years – £15,949,555 

Received: 15/01/2021

Response sent: 15/01/2021


All or some of the information provided previously has expired, i require an update on the questions below.
See my request below:

Contract 1

1.       Current Lines/Voice Services (Analogue, ISDN VOIP, SIP etc) Provider- Please can you provide me with the name of the supplier for the contract.

2.       Fixed Line- Contract Renewal Date- please provide day, month and year (month and year are also acceptable). If this is a rolling contract please provide me with the rolling date of the contract. If there is more than one supplier please split the renewal dates up into however many suppliers

3.       Fixed Line- Contract Duration- the number of years the contract is for each provider

4.       Type of Lines- Please can you split the type of lines per each supplier? PSTN, Analogue, SIP

5.       Number of Lines- Please can you split the number of lines per each supplier? SIP trunks, PSN Lines, Analogue Lines

Contract 2

6.       Minutes/Landline Provider- Supplier’s name (NOT Mobiles) if there is no information available please can you provide further insight into why?

7.       Minutes/Landline Contract Renewal Date- please provide day, month and year (month and year is also acceptable). If this is a rolling contract please provide me with the rolling date of the contract.

8.       Minutes Landline Monthly Spend- Monthly average spend on calls for each provider. An estimate or average is acceptable.

 9.       Minute’s Landlines Contract Duration: the number of years the contract is with the supplier.

10.   Number of Extensions- Please state the number of telephone extensions the organisation currently has. An estimate or average is acceptable.

Contract 3
11.   Fixed Broadband Provider- Supplier’s name  if there is not information available please can you provide further insight into why?
12.   Fixed Broadband Renewal Date- please provide day, month and year (month and year is also acceptable). If this is a rolling contract please provide me with the rolling date of the contract. If there is more than one supplier please split the renewal dates up into however many suppliers
13.   Fixed Broadband Annual Average Spend- Annual average spend for each broadband provider. An estimate or average is acceptable.

Contract 4

14. WAN Provider- please provide me with the main supplier(s) if there is no information available please can you provide further insight into why?

15.   WAN Contract Renewal Date- please provide day, month and year (month and year are also acceptable). If this is a rolling contract please provide me with the rolling date of the contract. If there is more than one supplier please split the renewal dates up into however many suppliers

16. Contract Description: Please can you provide me with a brief description of the contract

17. The number of sites: Please state the number of sites the WAN covers. Approx. will do.

18.   WAN Annual Average Spend- Annual average spend for each WAN provider. An estimate or average is acceptable.

19. For each WAN contract can you please provide me with information on how this was procured, especially around those procurement that used frameworks, please provide me with the framework reference.

20. Internal Contact: please can you send me there full contact details including contact number and email and job title for all the contracts above.


Thank you for your email, however the information that you require is not held by this office and should be requested from Bedfordshire Police at: 

Received: 21/01/2021

Response sent: 21/01/2021


 wish to submit a request for some of the organisation’s information around the internal plans and strategy documents around ICT.

The ICT documents I require is the most recent update.
I wish to obtain the following documents:
1.      ICT/IM&T/IS Strategy- The IT department strategy or plans, highlights their current and future objectives.

2.      ICT Org Chart- A visual document that presents the structure of the IT department, please include name and job titles. If this cannot be sent, please work towards a structure with job titles.

3.      ICT Annual or Business Plan- Like the ICT strategy but is more annually focused.

4.      ICT Capital Programme/budget- A document that shows financials budget on current and future projects.

If some of these documents are not valid, please state when the 2020 ICT documents are planned to be published.


Thank you for your email, however the information that you require is not held by this office and should be requested from Bedfordshire Police at:

Received: 26/01/2021

Response sent: 26/01/2021


The contract information sent by the organisation previously has now expired please can you provide me with a new update of the telephone maintenance contract:

Please can you send me the following contract information with regards to the organisation’s telephone system maintenance contract (VOIP or PBX, other) for hardware and Software maintenance and support if all the information is still the same besides the contracts dates please send just the new contract dates it would be much appreciated.
1.       Contract Type: Maintenance, Managed, Shared (If so please state orgs)
2.       Existing Supplier: If there is more than one supplier please split each contract up individually.
3.       Annual Average Spend: The annual average spend for this contract and please provide the average spend over the past 3 years for each provider                      
4.       Hardware Brand: The primary hardware brand of the organisation’s telephone system.
5.       Number of telephone users:
6.       Contract Duration: please include any extension periods.
7.       Contract Expiry Date: Please provide me with the day/month/year.
8.       Contract Review Date: Please provide me with the day/month/year.
9.       Application(s) running on PBX/VOIP systems: Applications that run on the actual PBX or VOIP system. E.g. Contact Centre, Communication Manager.
10.   Telephone System Type: PBX, VOIP, Lync etc
11.   Contract Description: Please provide me with a brief description of the overall service provided under this contract.
12. Go to Market: How where these services procured, please provide me with either the tender notice or the framework reference number. Please specify if procured through other routes.
13.   Contact Detail: Of the person from with the organisation responsible for each contract full Contact details including full name, job title, direct contact number and direct email address.
If the service support area has more than one provider for telephone maintenance, then can you please split each contract up individually for each provider. 
If the contract is a managed service or is a contract that provides more than just telephone maintenance please can you send me all of the information specified above including the person from with the organisation responsible for that particular contract.
If the maintenance for telephone systems is maintained in-house, please can you provide me with:
1.       Number of telephone Users:
2.       Hardware Brand: The primary hardware brand of the organisation’s telephone system.
3.       Application(s) running on PBX/VOIP systems: Applications that run on the actual PBX or VOIP system. E.g. Contact Centre, Communication Manager.
4.       Contact Detail: Of the person from with the organisation responsible for telephone
maintenance full Contact details including full name, job title, direct contact number and direct email address.
 Also, if the contract is due to expire please provide me with the likely outcome of the expiring contract.
If this is a new contract or a new supplier please can you provide me with a short list of suppliers that bid on this service/support contract?


Thank you for your email, however the information that you require is not held by this office and should be requested from Bedfordshire Police at: 

Received: 20/01/2021

Response sent: 04/02/2021


Can you please provide the PCC Grant Targets (Grant Conditions) set for all organisations awarded grant funding in 2020/21 or direct me to where this has already been published?


Commissioning data spreadsheet provided to requestor.

We write in connection with your request for information received on 20th January 2021 and note that you seek access to the following information:

Can you please provide the PCC Grant Targets (Grant Conditions) set for all organisations awarded grant funding in 2020/21

We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor.  Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent request, I can signpost you to our website to which information is published about the summary of the bids we issued here – 

The OPCC can also share with you a document we have produced about the outcomes agreed for all the grants.  I have attached the excel document which lists out each organisation the OPCC has funded throughout the 2020/21. This spreadsheet also includes data for 2021/22 which you may find useful.

Please note within the spreadsheet there are organisations which have been highlighted in orange. The OPCC has done this to highlight to you that these organisations were funded by the ‘Covid fund’, there were no conditions attached to these organisations, the money was directly issued by the Home Office.

The Chief Executive set a reporting schedule statement for all organisations which were there conditions stating:

• Where the financial amount is £0-£15,0000 – 6 month reporting and End of Year reporting is required.
• Where the amount is above £15,000 to £60,000 – Quarterly reporting is required
• Where the amount exceeds £60,000 – Monthly reporting is required. 

Received: 03/02/2021

Response sent: 03/02/2021


My request for information is regarding the number of motorist caught speeding/delt with fines for speeding in the UK since the lockdown started in March 2020 and the following year before this. If you have any information regarding this, I would appreciate this. If you have only information per calendar year only, can you email me this for the calendar year of 2020 and 2019 so I can compare the stats with the previous year, with my team?


Thank you for your email, however the information that you require is not held by this office and should be requested from Bedfordshire Police at:

Received: 05/02/2021

Response sent: 08/02/2021


I wish to obtain statistical information regarding Bedford Police appointments by ethnicity and gender. This specifically relates to the sexual crimes section (Emerald Unit) at Bedford during the previous year ending December 2020.

I have previously approached several regional police forces within the UK and have successfully gained these statistics without resorting to FOI. It would be of considerable help to me to receive these statistics from the Bedford Police as I am aware this region has previously enjoyed public acclaim concerning its diverse recruitment.


Thank you for your email, however the information that you require is not held by this office and should be requested from Bedfordshire Police at:

Received: 04/02/2021

Response sent: 22/02/2021


I write to you in order to request the information set out below. My request is pursuant to the FOIA.

The request concerns the investment made by the Home Office into your district under the Safer Streets Fund, announced in July 2020.

Please can you provide the following:
1. All the LSOAs (lower super output areas) under your jurisdiction that the intervention area covers 2. The specification for CCTV that will be installed in these areas including:
i) the model of camera
ii) a description of the camera
iii) the number of cameras that will be installed

If no CCTV cameras are planned, please make this clear.


We write in connection with your request for information received on 4th February 2021 and note that you seek access to the following information:

1. All the LSOAs (lower super output areas) under your jurisdiction that the intervention area covers 2. The specification for CCTV that will be installed in these areas including:

i) the model of camera
ii) a description of the camera
iii) the number of cameras that will be installed

If no CCTV cameras are planned, please make this clear.

We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor.  Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.


1. LSOA Areas
Bedford – E01017466 and E0107471
Luton – E01015741

2. We are unable to provide specifics on the CCTV equipment as this sits within the Local Authorities, information around this can be requested under FOI directly to Luton and Bedford.

Received: 23/02/2021

Response sent: 10/03/2021


In accordance with the provisions of the FoI Act please confirm:

1. The person to whom the function of making arrangements for dealing with complaints reported against the Chief Constable has been delegated to,

2. The instrument used to delegate the function of making arrangements for dealing with complaints reported against the Chief Constable, for example whether the delegation has been made in accordance with the Scheme of Corporate Governance or any other instrument

3. The person identified as being the ‘appropriate authority’ as defined under s. 29.1 (a) (i) of the Police Reform Act 2002, in order to meet the obligations prescribed for the appropriate authority within the IOPC Statutory Guidance on the Police Complaints System


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor.  Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question,

1. The appropriate authority for a complaint or recordable conduct matter that relates to the conduct of a Chief Constable or acting chief officer is the local policing body with responsibility for that police force area, this is the Police and Crime Commissioner.  The Police and Crime Commissioner delegates responsibility to review Chief Constable complaints to her Chief Executive, Clare Kelly.
2. The delegated function has been published in our Complaints Policy –—19.06.2020%282%29.pdf
3. The appropriate authority remains the Police and Crime Commissioner (Local Policing Body).

Received: 03/03/2021

Response sent: 29/03/2021


One thing our stakeholders have been interested in so far, is the cost of different interventions.  However, most existing studies include little data about how much each intervention costs.

We’re hoping to design some thresholds around cost that are in line with the average spend on crime and violence prevention programmes, in a way that reflects the average spend of programmes across England and Wales.

Here are the proposed thresholds:

Very low  90-800
Low                801-3,000
Moderate  3,001-10,000
High                10,001 –20,000
Very High 20,001 +

We expect costs to vary by location, number of participants, resources etc, but we would be keen to know whether you think these following thresholds are suitable, particularly:
• If the bands are too close together
• If the cost of programmes is usually more or less than the bands cover/ a price or example of the most and least costly programme you’re aware of
And if possible:
• The average spend on programmes commissioned
• Any information on the cost of running the following:  mentoring, social-emotional skills programmes,  sports programmes, therapeutic interventions like CBT and pre-court diversion schemes.

We hope you can offer some insights and please do email back if you would like any more clarity. 


The figure for 21/22 on how much we have spent on Early Intervention: this is £114,896.00. The breakdown is as below:

Band, Cost per person in intervention programme, OPCC Funded
Very low, 90-800, 0 organisation
Low, 801-3,000, 1 organisations
Moderate, 3,001-10,000, X10 organisations
High, 10,001 –20,000, 2 organisation
Very High, 20,001 +, 0 organisation

However, we are unable to quantify how much that breakdown will be per person. 

Received: 08/03/2021

Response sent: 06/04/2021


Can you advise what terms if any you had to comply with if you were supported by a political party at the last crime commissioner’s election in regard to deposit paid by your political party.

Can you advise if you have had to donate or been asked a percentage of your crime commissioners’ yearly salary back to the political party who supported you in your crime commissioner’s campaign.  If so how much?

Can you advise if the £5000 deposit required by regulations to stand was returned to your political party and if so how long did it take to be returned.

Can you advise if you kept the £5000 deposit? If so was it a gift and by whom?

Can you advise if you have donated any sums of money to the political party who supported you once you were elected as crime commissioner. 

Kindly note this is a generic request to 40 Commissioners and cc to others.


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question, the Bedfordshire Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner does not hold the information requested as this relates to the PCC as a candidate, prior to holding office.

Received: 10/03/2021

Response sent: 15/03/2021


Please could you endeavour to answer the following questions within 20 working days, as specified under its clauses:

Please can you break down the following information for the financial years:

2015/6, 2016/7, 2017/8, 2018/9 and 2019/20.

Can you also please provide me the information for the period between 1 April 2020 and 28 February 2021.
Q1) How many “political advisers” were appointed by your force’s PCC over the stated period?

1a) Please can you tell me the name of the serving PCC at the time who hired such advisers, the combined yearly salaries of said political advisers (£), their full names and dates of appointment (in the format- DD/MM/YYYY).

1b) If the PCC had a deputy PCC below them, how many “political advisers” were appointed by the deputy PCC(s) over the stated period, and how many of them were party political office holders or active party members (please state) at the time of appointment?

For Q1b, could you please tell me the name of the political party (for example, but not limited to: the Labour Party, the Conservative Party) or party political office said adviser(s) belonged to.


Q1) How many “political advisers” were appointed by your force’s PCC over the stated period?

No political advisors have been appointed within the OPCC.

1a) Please can you tell me the name of the serving PCC at the time who hired such advisers, the combined yearly salaries of said political advisers (£), their full names and dates of appointment (in the format- DD/MM/YYYY).

The current Police and Crime Commissioner is Kathryn Holloway – No political advisors have been appointed within the OPCC.

1b) If the PCC had a deputy PCC below them, how many “political advisers” were appointed by the deputy PCC(s) over the stated period, and how many of them were party political office holders or active party members (please state) at the time of appointment? For Q1b, could you please tell me the name of the political party (for example, but not limited to: the Labour Party, the Conservative Party) or party political office said adviser(s) belonged to.

The Volunteer Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner is Justine Currell – No political advisors have been appointed within the OPCC. 

Received: 16/03/2021

Response sent: 17/03/2021


Does the Bedfordshire Police Force currently use automated facial recognition (AFR) technology?
Has the Bedfordshire Police Force ever used AFR technology?


Thank you for your email, however the information that you require is not held by this office and should be requested from Bedfordshire Police at: 

Received: 23/03/2021

Response sent: 29/03/2021


1. How many reports did you receive from whistleblowers in 2019 and in 2020?
2. How many people do you have in your organisation that are trained/permitted to take reports from whistleblowers?
3. What training have the people in question number 2 received in whistleblowing?
4. What cost, if any, was there for this training?
5. Which organisation delivered each course?
6. What is the name of the person that arranged this training and what is their email address?
7. What methods do you have for whistleblowers to contact a person that is authorised to take their report and what are the specific details of these, i.e., email addresses, telephone numbers etc?
8. What are the email addresses for the people authorised to receive whistleblower reports?
9. How many whistleblowers have left the organisation within 12 months of making a report?
10. How many whistleblowers have made an allegation of ‘detriment’ against your organisation?


We are required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) to handle all requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor.  Any information released in response to a request is regarded as being published and therefore, in the public domain without caveat.

With reference to your recent enquiry and in response to your question,
1. How many reports did you receive from whistleblowers in 2019 and in 2020?
1 report was received in 2019.

2. How many people do you have in your organisation that are trained/permitted to take reports from whistleblowers?
All staff members within the OPCC have received awareness training from the Professional Standards Department of Bedfordshire Police in regards to Anti-Corruption, highlighting that it everyone’s responsibility to report any concerns and this can be done by whistleblowing. No other training has been delivered in regards to whistleblowing. Within the OPCC the Chief Executive has the delegated responsibility from the Police and Crime Commissioner to manage the complaint oversight function and to manage all staff concerns.

3. What training have the people in question number 2 received in whistleblowing?
Please see response to Question 2.

4. What cost, if any, was there for this training?
No cost.

5. Which organisation delivered each course?
No specific whistleblowing training has been delivered.

6. What is the name of the person that arranged this training and what is their email address?
No specific whistleblowing training has been delivered.

7. What methods do you have for whistleblowers to contact a person that is authorised to take their report and what are the specific details of these, i.e., email addresses, telephone numbers etc?
The OPCC has a policy for Whistleblowing – Handling of Qualifying Disclosures Policy which is published on our website.

8. What are the email addresses for the people authorised to receive whistleblower reports?
The office email address is however the individuals which would receive the report would be the Chief Executive or the Transparency Manager.

9. How many whistleblowers have left the organisation within 12 months of making a report?

10. How many whistleblowers have made an allegation of ‘detriment’ against your organisation?

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