Bedfordshire Violence Exploitation Reduction Unit (VERU) Youth Voice Fund
Bedfordshire’s VERU is tasked with leading and co-ordinating the local response to serious violence. Responsible for delivering a ‘whole system’, public health approach, the unit brings together key partners to identify the local drivers and root-causes to serious violence and exploitation, to agree and implement a multi-agency response. To achieve this, is it is vital […]
PCC speaks at CBC Police and Crime Advisory Panel
Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) John Tizard attended the third meeting of the Central Bedfordshire Council (CBC) Police and Crime Advisory Panel last week (12 June), to formally introduce himself to members and discuss the concerns of councillors for the towns and villages of Central Bedfordshire. This followed a meeting of the Bedfordshire Police and […]
Hello ! This section will be for extra news / events coming up soon
Police volunteers celebrated at thank you event
Police and Crime Commissioner John Tizard and Deputy Chief Constable (DCC) Dan Vajzovic thanked more than 100 police volunteers for their work at an event at Bedfordshire Police Headquarters on Monday (17 June). The aim of the event was to recognise those who go the extra mile for their communities. It also marked the 40th […]
PCC for Bedfordshire John Tizard appoints Umme Ali as his new deputy
Umme Ali has been appointed as the new Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire. Ms Ali’s appointment was confirmed at the meeting of the Police and Crime Panel on Tuesday. Umme will focus on supporting the PCC to develop strategies to reduce violence against women and children, which will be a core […]
Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner champions community volunteers at Watch Scheme conference
The new Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner has praised volunteers for the role they play in making the county a safer place, as he attended a Watch Scheme event yesterday evening (Wednesday). The conference, at the Rufus Centre in Flitwick, saw volunteers from Watch Schemes such as Speed Watch, Street Watch and Dog Watch […]
Tool to receive free alerts from police now live
Bedfordshire residents can stay in touch with local police and other agencies as Bedfordshire Police invests to revamp community messaging system. Now named Beds Connected, the refreshed free platform has exciting new features that will allow members of the public to stay up to date with what is happening in their local area. People can […]
PCC describes A&E Navigators scheme as a ‘powerful tool’
In a matter of weeks, the scheme has already seen 13 young people receive specialist support from youth workers embedded in A&E departments in the Bedford and Luton & Dunstable hospitals. Funded by the Violence and Exploitation Reduction Unit (VERU) and Office of Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC), the programme aims to act as an […]
First day in the office for new Beds PCC
Bedfordshire’s newly elected Police and Crime Commissioner John Tizard officially stepped into the role today (Thursday 9 May). John met his team and the Bedfordshire Police Chief Constable Trevor Rodenhurst at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) offices. The new Commissioner was elected by the people of Bedfordshire after residents voted him […]
Farewell from Festus Akinbusoye
As you will know by now, I am moving on from my role as Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire after three incredible years. In that time, I have had the honour to lead a fantastic team of people in the OPCC and provide strategic direction and challenge to Bedfordshire Police through my Police and […]