In a first for the UK, Police and Crime Commissioner John Tizard has met with experts from around Bedfordshire in the launch of ‘mission boards’ designed to apply a whole-system approach to improve policing and safety for residents and victims of crime.
Mission boards focus on subjects ranging from local policing to providing an excellent service to victims within the criminal justice system.
Key players have been providing expertise and direction to the PCC to strategise on how to overcome barriers to effectively prevent crime and protect residents.
This includes cross-partnership strategy as part of the police and crime plan, how to improve data sharing, community engagement and scrutiny of police processes.
At the mission boards for improving the criminal justice system, John heard from the police, councils, ex-offenders, and probation. He also chaired boards exploring the prevention of crime and tackling serious crime, also attended by the police as well as representatives from local authorities, public health, youth justice and more.
John said “I am pleased that we have kicked off the new year with these hugely successful mission boards.
“Feedback from attendees has so far been positive. We require a whole-systems approach. The achievement of these missions will require collaboration across the public sector, community, and voluntary sectors and with local businesses.
“It is important to get subject matter experts together. No one agency or profession can drive any one of these missions alone.”
Umme Ali, Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner and chair of the boards for victim support and protecting women and children, emphasised that being part of a mission board is not just to represent an organisation, it is for ‘expertise, insight, ideas and value.’
Umme said: “Bringing experts and strategists around a table to provide valuable insight on where improvements are needed, both in policing and across the wider system is invaluable in helping us to inform the next stage of the police and crime plan.”
To find out more about Mission Boards email the PCC’s office at