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Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner

PCC confirms police precept increase

PCC confirms police precept increase

Investments in tackling shoplifting, speeding and improving the force control room are in the pipeline after a rise in council tax to fund policing was approved this week.

The majority of respondents to a public survey backed increasing the police precept, with the move approved by the county’s Police and Crime Panel on Tuesday (6 February).

The increase in council tax will fund a new dedicated senior officer focused on preventing knife crime and serious youth violence, as well as new technology to help identify shoplifters and make it easier for shopkeepers to report the crime to police.

Other areas of investment include putting more resources into Bedfordshire Police’s control room, making better use of out of court disposals as well as better equipping the force’s volunteer Special Constables to run operations to tackle speeding. 

Police and Crime Commissioner Festus Akinbusoye said: “With this precept approval, I am pleased that I will be able to provide the Chief Constable with the resources he needs to make Bedfordshire safer.

“The nature of crime is changing and I want Bedfordshire Police to adapt accordingly in the use of technology to better protect the public and prevent harm.

“This increase, which is backed by nearly 70 per cent of residents that responded to our precept survey that expressed a preference, is evidence of my continued commitment to invest in Bedfordshire Police.”

The commissioner presented the recommendation to the Bedfordshire Police and Crime Panel to increase the police precept.

The decision to recommend an increase of £13 per band D property was made by the PCC following a public consultation which attracted 1,274 responses.

Of those that expressed a preference, 67 per cent voiced their support for the increase in precept.

Panel members from Bedford Borough Council, Luton Council, Central Bedfordshire Council and the independent members voted four members in favour, seven against and with one abstention.

The Police and Crime Panel did not have the majority of at least two thirds during the vote, so the precept increase was approved.

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