Bedfordshire Police Headquarters

Bridgebury House, Woburn Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire, MK43 9AX

Email the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner


Title and Reference – PCC/D/066
Subject: Ministry of Justice – Additional Formula Based Funding for Male Rape Support Project
Report of: Police and Crime Commissioner
Date: 05/01/2023

On 28th October 2022, the MoJ advised that agreement was received to extend the Male Rape Support Fund for 2022-2023, for a continuation of service following previous years. The additional commitment resulted in Bedfordshire OPCC being awarded £41,794, based on the population-based funding formula used for the current core funding grant issued, using the data from 2020 Office for National Statistics. The funding provision was stipulated as an extension of previous service and therefore a named provider was detailed on the grant addendum form, being Early Childhood Partnership.
The OPCC accepted the additional funding on 3rd November 2022, agreeing to utilise the uplift by the end of the financial year 2022/2023.

The Commissioning and Income Generation Lead approached Early Childhood Partnership to present the opportunity and to understand demand. On 2nd November 2022, the Commissioning Administration officer and Commissioning and Income Generation Lead met with Early Childhood Partnership for the quarter 2 monitoring meeting and discussed demand for support for male rape and sexual assault victims. Early Childhood Partnership advised the funding would be allocated to roles which could be specifically used to support males referred directly, and via Talk:4M, a project run via Early Childhood Partnership for male victims.

A written proposal was drawn up by the Head of Therapeutic and Specialist Support Services at One YMCA/ Early Childhood Partnership outlining the allocation of 2 part-time
ISVAs and 1 full time ISVA including management and on-costs to provide support to male rape/ sexual violence victims for a 22-week period (from 1st November 2022, date informed of opportunity to 31st March 2023).

Next Steps
• Initial conversations with Early Childhood Partnership to discuss the opportunity on 2nd November 2022
• Meeting to discuss the proposal in response to the opportunity on 3rd November 2022
• Acceptance of the opportunity on 3rd November 2022
• Agreement of proposal on 15th November 2022
• New grant agreement to be issued
• Purchase Order to be raised for full amount
• Funding to be provided on receipt of signed grant agreement
• Mid-point review document to be provided in conjunction with quarter 3 monitoring data
• Mid- point review monitoring meeting – w/c 30/01/2023 included in quarter 3 monitoring meetings
• End of funding review meeting – w/c 13/03/2023 – evaluate project success, review of underspend, and implement exit strategy
• Return underspend funds to MoJ where relevant

To note decision
Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner
I hereby approve the recommendations above.

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