Bedfordshire Police Headquarters

Bridgebury House, Woburn Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire, MK43 9AX

Email the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner


Title and Reference – PCC/D/073
Subject: Request for Contract Signing/Sealing – Extension of BCH Custody Healthcare Contract
Report of: Police and Crime Commissioner
Date: 28/02/2023

CRG Medical Ltd currently deliver critical Custody Healthcare services across Beds, Cambs and Herts. This contract commenced in April 2019 for a period of 4 years with the option to extend for 3 x 1-year periods. This report recommends that a 1-year period is executed:

a) To provide continuity of care in what is a critical Force service.
b) To support the long-term strategy for Custody Healthcare procurement for which market engagement is currently underway to explore alternative models.

CFO, DCC and Custody Operational approval has been given by all 3 Counties to proceed to contract on the basis of this report.

The cost of the 1-year extension period is £2,535,092, of which £835,177 is to be met by Bedfordshire. This represents a 12% increase on FY 22/23. Extension on this basis has been approved by Philip Wells, CFO.

Decision PCC.D.073 graph with figures

The requested increases are in line with market expectations and aligns with the market engagement activity undertaken by 7F Commercial in August 2022. The primary cost pressure for the requested increase is increasing salaries within the NHS which has driven challenges in private sector recruitment. Alignment to the NHS bands is required to remain competitive and CRG have increased salaries by 10%+ in 2022 to achieve this. Inflationary pressures on non-pay costs have also contributed to the price increase.

Service Credits
A temporary cap on credits will be applied to support investment in a recruitment ramp-up period. This will limit credits to a combined £20,000 across the 5 Forces between Jan 2023 – March 2023, though a ceiling is applied where credits in excess of £45,000 will remain payable.
The Supplier Relationship Manager for 7 Force Commercial Services has requested authorisation for the signing of the extension of contract. The Chief Executive of Bedfordshire OPCC authorised and confirmed approval of her electronic signature to be used and added to Bedfordshire Cambridgeshire Hertfordshire Tri-Force (BCH) extension of contract.

To note decision
Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner
I hereby approve the recommendations above.

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