Bedfordshire Police Headquarters

Bridgebury House, Woburn Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire, MK43 9AX

Email the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner


Title and Reference – PCC/D/083
Subject: Governance change in how the Police and Crime Commissioner holds the Chief Constable to account
Report of: Police and Crime Commissioner
Date: 14/06/2023
The governance arrangements that support the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) in holding the Chief Constable of Bedfordshire Police Force to account have been changed to take account of the working relationship between the PCC and the Chief Constable.

From March 2023 the OPCC trialled separating some of the agenda from the Delivery and Beating Crime Board. This was confirmed as working appropriately and proportionately in June 2023. Therefore, the Delivery and Beating Crime Board will no longer be held.

All previous meetings minutes can be found on the website:

Following a review of how the PCC wanted to hold the new Chief Constable to account for the effective delivery of policing in the County, the governance arrangements have been split into two different meetings:

1. One to One – between the PCC and Chief Constable
2. OPCC Performance and Governance Board.
One to Ones – PCC and Chief Constable Weekly Meetings

This verbal discussion will be documented via a ‘blog’ from the PCC when these meetings have taken place if appropriate (as some information will not be able to be released to the public), giving a summary of highlights from the meeting on progress, to ensure transparency and accountability.

Every six weeks the PCC and Chief Constable will conduct a public session in addition to their weekly meeting. This will consist of the PCC asking questions directly to the Chief Constable on behalf of the public. If members of the public wish to ask specific questions, they can contact the PCC by writing to him at the following email address: and the Commissioner will also pick a sample from his social media.

Please note – not all questions will be put forward within this session.

This meeting will be conducted via Microsoft Teams. The session will be recorded and then published on the PCC website.
Meetings will be held on a weekly basis at an agreed venue or electronically. Meetings will be planned for one calendar year.
The meeting will need the time commitment of one hour (weekly) from both parties. If any meetings do not take place, this will be logged and documented.

OPCC Performance and Governance Board

Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner:
• Chief Executive
• Chief Finance Officer
• Director of OPCC Operations
• Head of Governance and Transparency
• Executive Personal Assistant for the PCC (Minute Taker)
Bedfordshire Police:
• Deputy Chief Constable
• Assistant Chief Constable
• Assistant Chief Officer
• Staff officer to the Chief Constable

The board will be chaired by the Chief Executive for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner or a nominated substitute such as the Chief Finance Officer in their absence.

STANDING AGENDA ITEMS (Other items will be added to the Agenda)


Agenda Item

Documents required




Minutes of meeting held and for agreement and matters arising

Matters arising







2.1 Actions from previous meetings







3.1 Crime performance figures with restricted detail

– Local (Bedfordshire) Dashboard (Monthly)


– ERSOU Dashboard (Quarterly)

– JPS Dashboard (Quarterly)

DCC Report








4.1 Risk (Change in risk OPCC and Force)


4.2 Casey Review update


4.3 Race Action Plan





Collaboration updates – JPS/ERSOU/BCH Functions (i.e PSD/HR etc)




4.1: Chief Constable Complaints


OPCC Report

4.2: Reviews


OPCC Report



Quarterly Reporting



Budget/Efficiency discussions


ACO Report


Delivery Plan

Delivery Plan Update

Director of OPCC Operations


Key Deliverables

1: Investment in community-based and community-led policing for urban and rural areas.

2: Recruitment and retention of police officers.

3: Tackling the causes of crime and breaking the cycle of re-offending.

4: Placing residents and victims at centre of policing priorities.

5: Multi-agency and transparent approach to community safety and crime reduction.

6: Transparency and open communication.

7: National contributions

8: Risks and Vulnerabilities




S.I.O Information Document (Monthly)

Police and Crime Panel Paper requests

APCC requests (information)


Meetings will be held on a monthly basis at an agreed venue or electronically. Meetings will be planned for one calendar year. The meetings will normally be held on the last week of the month, in order in they fit in with schedule of Force performance meetings.

The meeting will need the time commitment of two hours from all parties.
Minutes will be taken for this meeting and published on the website.

To note decision
Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner
I hereby approve the recommendations above.

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