Bedfordshire Police Headquarters

Bridgebury House, Woburn Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire, MK43 9AX

Email the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner


Title and Reference – PCC/D/122
Subject: Signing of 7 Force IT Software Licencing Partner Contract
Report of: Police and Crime Commissioner
Date: 21/12/2023
The 7 Force Commercial Services wish to establish a contract with a reseller, who will procure the renewal of existing licences for the Forces in the region (including Microsoft EA) that come up on a normal expiry basis throughout the contract period over the contract term.

New product/service licences may be procured via this route if it represents VFM, however this contract will have the ability for the 7 Forces to not exclusively use the successful supplier for any new product/service licences and may seek to run a separate competitive process.

This contract will reduce the administrative burden and cost on individual forces to procure software licences, whilst seeking to maximise savings opportunities from the use of a value-added reseller (VAR) that transacts at volume on behalf of many clients and has preferential commercial arrangements with software vendors.
The Commercial Executive Board first discussed this opportunity at their workshop in March 2023. Subsequently the ICT Directors across the region endorsed the approach and agreed to the incorporation of the Microsoft EA within the scope of the Licencing Partner’s remit. The Commercial Executive Board agreed the procurement approach (Gateway 1) in accordance with Contract Standing Orders on 30/10/2023.

The CFOs (CEB board members) have also individually signed off the Reg 84 report.

The value for the contract for the entire term (4 years with 12 month extension option) is £80m-120m for the region as a whole.
The tender evaluation panel unanimously recommend that the contract is awarded to Phoenix as they submitted the most economically advantageous tender and are able to meet the contract requirements.

On the 21 December 2023, Chief Finance Officer (CFO) Phil Wells signed the 7 Force Information Technology (IT) Licencing Partner Contract.

To note decision
Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner
I hereby approve the recommendations above.

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