Bedfordshire Police Headquarters

Bridgebury House, Woburn Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire, MK43 9AX

Email the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner


Title and Reference – PCC/D/123
Subject: Repurpose of underspends for Safer Streets 5
Report of: Police and Crime Commissioner
Date: 07/01/2024

At the Safer Streets Governance meeting held on 7th January 2024 decisions were agreed to:

To repurpose an underspend of £10k for additional Pol-Ed license cost.

Additional £10,000 to purchase a one year Pol-Ed licence. Pol-Ed formed part of our original Safer Streets 5 application and indications given at the time were that the cost for a one year license would be no more than £10,000 and this was the amount used in the application. Subsequently we received confirmation from West Yorkshire Police that the cost will be £20,000 and are therefore seeking approval for the additional £10,000.

To repurpose an underspend of £1.006k for young person’s leaflets to support Safer Street 5 interventions.

Following meeting with Local Authority safeguarding leads, Education and Diversion teams and Luton All Women’s Centre it was agreed having a leaflet to signpost young people how to report and get support would be beneficial. Request to repurpose to re-print 20,000 leaflets to hand out/leave with schools following Step in Speak Up Performance in Education theatre workshops addressing themes around VAWG. Workshops will be offered to all schools across the county for either year 7 or 8 pupils.

To repurpose an underspend of £14k in 23/24 to allow costs for Defence Sprays to be removed from 24/25 to contribute to £180k savings as per Home Office request.

To repurpose an underspend of £7.5k in 23/24 to allow costs for SmartWater business security packs to be removed from 24/25 to contribute to £180k savings as per Home Office request.

To reduce 2024/25 Safer Streets proposal by £198.668k to meet Home Office request to save £180k.

To note decision

Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner
I hereby approve the recommendations above.

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