Bedfordshire Police Headquarters

Bridgebury House, Woburn Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire, MK43 9AX

Email the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner


Title and Reference – PCC/D/128
Subject: Procurement of Providers for Cameras, Tickets and Collisions and Community Safety Funded projects
Report of: Police and Crime Commissioner
Date: 15/02/2024


The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) released two funding opportunities, on 20th November 2023, an opportunity from the Community Safety Fund for local projects with a focus on Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) support and a second opportunity via the Cameras, Tickets and Collisions Fund, with a focus on activity to support education and road safety. A focus on SEND was highlighted by the Commissioner as an area of increasing demand, the funding where possible would support an uplift in activity to support SEND activities.

The process was completed in line with the OPCCs commitment to working closely with 7 Force Commercial Services, ensuring that the Commissioning Team and wider OPCC adhere to the local Financial Regulations and Contract Standing Orders which set out the following financial thresholds:

£0-£6,000 – one written quote required to commission services

£6,000 – £60,000 – three written quotes required to commission services

£60,000 and above – services to be commissioned via competitive tender.

A specification was developed for each funding opportunity and released to the market via email on the OPCC mailing list and on the OPCC website. The opportunities were released until 13th November, with the ambition of delivery activities taking place between 1st December 2023- 31st March 2024.

For each funding opportunity, across both specifications, there was a maximum funding allocation of £50,000 available from each budget, for up to 8 projects, this enabled funding to reach more diverse organisations across Bedfordshire to support the core funded Community Safety funded and Ministry of Justice funded projects.

In response to the funding opportunities, 11 bid responses were received, 2 for the Cameras, Tickets and Collisions opportunity and 9 responses for the Community Safety funding opportunity.

The following process was used to evaluate and manage the bid responses to point of mobilisation.

1. Bid response deadline – 20th November 2023
2. Due diligence and Showstopper – 22nd November 2023
3. Evaluation – w/c 18th December 2023
4. Clarification/ mobilisation meetings – w/c 2nd January 2024
5. Issuing of grant agreements – from 5th January 2024.

The process did not run to the original timescale as outlined during the specification due to an additional period of clarification required at bid response stage. With some new organisations approaching the OPCC, their bid responses lacked clarity, and, in some cases, the full details were not completed on the bid response form, this clarity was sought before progressing to the period of evaluation. Following the period of evaluation, all 11 organisations were deemed appropriate to fund for the period until 31st March 2024.

Due to sole trader status of one organisation further diligence checks were undertaken to determine suitability for funding, this is complete and deemed suitable. Five of the Community Safety Funded organisations presented opportunities within the community, with support hubs, mental health support and educational groups with a focus on SEND, exploitation and gang violence, with the remaining 4 focusing on sport-based youth interventions/ support opportunities. From the Cameras, Tickets and Collisions fund 2 organisations bid for funding and were successfully awarded, one introducing speed indicator devices in an area of proven need and the second is introducing an educational service to support individuals with SEND needs to access public transport safely. The below table details the amount of funding awarded to each organisation.


Organisation to be Awarded


End Date



Funding to be Awarded


Developwise CIC

Community Engagement

31st March 2024


Outcome – to award the organisation as per the evaluation process



Sporting Aid CIC

Basketball Programme

31st March 2024


Outcome – to award the organisation as per the evaluation process



Recovery Code X

Peer Support Service

31st March 2024


Outcome – to award the organisation as per the evaluation process



Freddie and Friends CIC

Community Hub

31st March 2024


Outcome – to award the organisation as per the evaluation process





31st March 2024


Outcome – to award the organisation as per the evaluation process




Bedfordshire Insights and Community Crime Symposium

31st March 2024


Outcome – to award the organisation as per the evaluation process



Dan Gaze Support Service Ltd

Direct Support

31st March 2024


Outcome – to award the organisation as per the evaluation process



S Forrester

Brazilian Ju Jitsu

31st March 2024


Outcome – to award the organisation as per the evaluation process



Luton AllStars

Community Football Initiative

31st March 2024


Outcome – to award the organisation as per the evaluation process

















Ravensden Parish Council

Variable Speed cameras

31st March 2024


Outcome – to award the organisation as per the evaluation process



Bedford Borough Council

Independent Travel Training

31st March 2024


Outcome – to award the organisation as per the evaluation process









The remaining funds from the budget which were unspent following the process will be re-commissioned by the Commissioning Team as appropriate.


A recommendation is to award funding to the organisations detailed in the summary following the completion of a procurement process for funding opportunities up to £5,000. The OPCC has acted in the interest of transparency and has completed a funding opportunity to ensure enhanced robustness in advancement of the procurement requirements.

Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner
I hereby approve the recommendations above.

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