Beds PCC hosts event to combat rural crime
The PCC jointly hosted an event this morning (Wednesday) with the National Farmers Union (NFU), to engage with rural residents, farmers, and businesses to combat rural crime in Bedfordshire. The PCC said “Efficient and effective policing for the rural community of Bedfordshire means equitable allocation of resources available to combat serious crime and risk to […]
Chief Constable commits to three more years in Bedfordshire
Trevor Rodenhurst will reassume his post as Chief Constable of Bedfordshire on 4th November following a confirmation hearing by the Police and Crime Panel. Following completion of 30 years of pensionable service Trevor Rodenhurst, with the Police and Crime Commissioner’s agreement opted to continue his service in line with police regulations. He is now committed […]
Bedfordshire PCC vows to prevent hate crime
Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) John Tizard has vowed to purge hate crime in the county ahead of national hate crime awareness week (14-19 October). John Tizard commented: “Hate crime is heinous and has not place in contemporary Britain. Wherever you live, whatever your gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, faith, religion or age you […]
Deputy PCC responds to Super-Complaint findings on stalking
Umme Ali, Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner has responded to the super-complaint on the Police response to stalking. She said: “I welcome the conversations on stalking and national spotlight on this awful crime. “Stalking is serious and can have long-lasting effects on victims. “Stalking must be taken seriously by the police, and I am assured […]
Police and Crime Commissioner calls for whole system change in new plan
The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), John Tizard, officially launched his Police and Crime plan at an event last night, Thursday 3 October attended by over 80 key figures of the Bedfordshire community including MPs, council leaders, blue light partners and charities. The PCC said: “This is a plan aiming at social justice and […]
Police and Crime Plan
The PCC is focussing this plan on his six missions which are underpinned by objectives. The PCC recognises these missions and objectives will evolve over the period of the plan. His overarching mission is to make Bedfordshire safer and fairer. This plan must be ambitious yet achievable. It must maximise impact and public benefit, have measurable […]
Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner announces new Chief Executive of his Office
Police and Crime Commissioner, John Tizard has today announced the appointment of a new Chief Executive, Sharn Basra. The PCC said: “I am delighted to have appointed Sharn Basra as Chief Executive of my office. “Sharn brings exceptional experience and drive to the role. Sharn was Bedfordshire Police Assistant Chief Constable until June last year […]
PCC attends Luton Peace Vigil as Knife Angel departs
John Tizard, Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Bedfordshire attended the Luton Peace Vigil on Thursday 29th August. The event saw the Knife Angel depart from the town following a Walk of Remembrance. The Knife Angel, a 27-foot sculpture crafted from over 100,000 seized blades was unveiled in Luton town centre earlier this month. Its […]
Bedfordshire PCC champions Home Secretary’s Youth Crime Plan
Bedfordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, John Tizard has responded positively to the Home Secretary’s recent announcement regarding the introduction of a Youth Crime Plan. Yvette Cooper, MP, the Home Secretary has said that all police areas will have to have such a plan by the end of this calendar year. The plan aims to address […]
Beds PCC vows to fight racism and hate
Speaking at various events in Bedfordshire, the PCC has taken a strong stance against racism, discrimination, and inequality. He has emphasised his unwavering commitment to fostering unity and addressing issues of racism and hate crime. This comes following his engagement with local communities alongside mosque representatives to highlight the importance of solidarity and inclusion in […]