Bedfordshire Police Headquarters

Bridgebury House, Woburn Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire, MK43 9AX

Email the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner

Police and Crime Panel supports increase in Council Tax

Picture of PCC Festus Akinbusoye

Festus Akinbusoye, Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Bedfordshire, has welcomed support from the Bedfordshire Police and Crime Panel to increase the police precept for 2023/24 Panel members from Bedford Borough Council, Luton Borough Council, Central Bedfordshire Council, and the independent members voted to increase the precept that helps to fund Bedfordshire Police with seven […]

Drug seizures hit £4.3 million as PCC continues delivery of Police and Crime Plan

PCC Festus Akinbusoye - stern look

Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Festus Akinbusoye has welcomed police figures that show illegal drugs worth at least £4.3 million were taken off the streets of the county last year. New figures from the force show Bedfordshire Police seized almost 23 kilos of cocaine and heroin and 6,500 cannabis plants over the past 12 […]

Fresh focus on vetting as force cracks down on culture

PCC Festus Akinbusoye and preferred candidate for Chief Constable, Trevor Rodenhurst

Bedfordshire’s Chief Constable Trevor Rodenhurst is putting additional resources into re-vetting officers and staff as part of a crackdown following high-profile cases of police abusing their position. Mr Rodenhurst made the commitment in an open letter to Police and Crime Commissioner Festus Akinbusoye, who had requested an update on vetting after a Met officer admitted […]

Winner crowned in PCC schools debating contest

A photo of the winning students with MP Richard Fuller (left) and PCC Festus Akinbusoye (right)

Bedford Modern School has been crowned the best school debating team in Bedfordshire after a powerhouse performance at the Houses of Parliament. The students triumphed in the highly competitive contest put together by the county’s police and crime commissioner Festus Akinbusoye. The Bedford school fought off stiff competition from runners-up Sandy Secondary School and Stockwood […]

New safety app launches in Bedfordshire

Phone displaying flare application

A new app for people to report feeling unsafe has been launched across Bedfordshire. Flare is being aimed at women and girls to empower them to anonymously report any incidents or threatening behaviour. Bedfordshire Police is supporting the launch of the new app, which is available to everyone, and will use the data to target […]

Three schools heading to Westminster for debating competition final

PCC with students at the schools debate

Three schools are on their way to Westminster after reaching the final of a debating competition run by Bedfordshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner. Students from Bedford Modern School, Stockwood Park Academy and Sandy Secondary school impressed the judges at Bedfordshire Police headquarters this week to earn their place in the final of the countywide tournament. […]

Deputy PCC leads joint pledge to crackdown on rural crime

DPCC with rural crime team and National Farmers Union (NFU)

Bedfordshire’s new Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner has pledged to tackle crimes like fly tipping, theft from farms and hare coursing in a meeting with the county’s farming community. Ian Dalgarno joined Bedfordshire Police’s Deputy Chief Constable Dan Vajzovic, rural crime team and National Farmers Union (NFU) forthcoming county chairman Freya Morgan. The meeting saw […]

New Deputy PCC carries out first council visit

Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Ian Dalgarno with Police and staff in Shefford

The county’s new Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner has started his new role with a visit to town councillors in Sandy. Deputy Commissioner Ian Dalgarno has been confirmed in post after the decision was ratified by the commissioner Festus Akinbusoye as well as the county’s police and crime panel. The Deputy Commissioner will lead on […]

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